Please wait...checking for disk quotas [H[2J" The Government of Canada expressly disclaims any warranties or representations with respect to the Environment Canada Electronic Weather Bulletin Board Service, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for the purpose of accessing meteorological, climatological or other data. In no event will the Government of Canada have any obligation arising from contract or tort, or for loss of revenue or profit, or for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this information." If you observe SEVERE weather, or have technical problems with one of our services, such as WeatherBoard, WeatherFax, etc., please call 664-9028. *** NEWS: Samples of GOES-90 satellite images and RAVOS remote photographs are now downloadable from Basic User Menu/New Sample Menu. Welcome to Environment Canada's WeatherBoard Service... If you are not a subscriber yet, enter basic when asked to login.