Air Quality Health Index - What's the air like today?
Find the latest and forecast Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) values to help you understand what the air quality around you means to your health. Learn more about Air Quality Health Index health messages.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | + | |
LowRisk (1-3) | ModerateRisk (4-6) | HighRisk (7-10) | VeryHigh Risk |
1 | 2 | 3 | Low Risk (1-3) | |
4 | 5 | 6 | Moderate Risk (4-6) | |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | High Risk (7-10) |
+ | Very High |
Air Quality Health Index forecast for B.C.
The table below shows a provincial summary of the latest Air Quality Health Index values and forecast maximums. Select a community name to view a time-series graph of AQHI data.
Air monitoring station data
View a list of air monitoring stations or use our interactive map below to view the latest air quality data in your area.
Smoke related information
Read the frequently asked questions about the Air Quality Health Index and Wildfire Smoke.
Visit the BlueSky Canada (Western Canada) smoke forecast page for up to date forecast information.
Be notified
Mobile device apps with alert notifications.
Air quality subscription service
Set up Air Quality Health Index alerts from Canada’s WeatherCAN App.
Contact us
If you have a comment or question about the air quality content on this website please contact us.
AQHI station updates and data disclaimer:
- Please note that air quality data may be missing or delayed for many reasons that are beyond our control including local power or communications outages and instrument calibration cycles. Data found on this web site is accessible in raw form before all quality assurance reviews are complete. This data is preliminary and is subject to change during the review process. Read more about our data and licensing agreement.