The .pdf maps are vegetation/ecology related and were scanned by Island Blueprint in Dec 2007. The .pdfs will be sent to Corey Erwin for legacy map cataloguing. The .tif maps are 1:20K and 1:5K terrain maps for the Mt. Klappan project area. A copy of these .pdf and .tif maps have been added to the ScannedMap_SortedTIFFs Master list and renamed using the file-naming convention: B04-XXXX (where B04 = maps from Ted Lea boxes Dec 2007 and XXXX = a unique number for each map) These .pdfs are incorporated with the .TIFs as many of the .pdf maps were a part of a mapping project, e.g., NE Coal Study project, and therefore warrant inclusion with the Soil/Terrain TIFFs. Sid Tsang, P.Geo. Apr 2008 Revised June 2008