Water Stewardship

Ground Water Mapping and Assessment in British Columbia

Appendix B3 - Other Information

Hydrometric Information


Measured/estimated flows and water levels are available from the HYDAT system operated by Environment Canada, Inland Waters, Water Survey of Canada. This includes data from all WSC stations, as well as those operated by other agencies such as BC Hydro, and MoE. All data on HYDAT is on CD-ROM and can be downloaded to floppy disk. Environment Canada also operates a computer bulletin board system (BBS) and data from HYDAT can be downloaded directly. The BBS phone number is 666-2607 (use 2400 Baud, even parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).
Environment Canada, Inland Waters
224 West Esplanade
North Vancouver, B.C.

Climate Information


Statistical normals for rain, snow, total precipitation, and temperature up to 1980 published by Atmospheric Environment Service (AES), Environment Canada. A new issue of climate normals is expected soon. Apparently AES are in the process of implementing a program to publish climatic data on CD-ROM, though a delivery date is not yet known.
AES - Climate Information
#700 - 1200 West 73rd Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. 664-9156

BC Hydro operates two networks of climate monitoring stations throughout the province, with some 136 sites. The data collected are used for forecasting runoff at existing dam sites, as well as investigaton of undeveloped areas. Data is unprocessed, and statistical normals are not available. In the future, this data may be forwarded to AES for processing and publication.
BC Hydro, Burnaby Mtn.
c/o Podium B, 6911 Southpoint Drive
Burnaby, B.C., 293-5851 and 528-2747.

The Hydrology Branch of the MoE maintain 7 high elevation climate stations for forcasting surface water flow information. Data is unprocessed, and statistical normals are unavailable. Data is available from Hydrology Division on diskette.
MoE - Hydrology Branch
4th Floor, 765 Broughton Street
Victoria, B.C., 356-5149