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Title | Primary Author | Date | View |
Identification and Quantification of Total Reduced Sulphur Emissions Discharged to the Atmosphere Discharged to the Atmosphere From the three Pulp Mills Located in Prince George B.C. | B.H. Levelton & Associates Ltd. | 1985 | |
Impact Assessment for Extending Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements to Use of All Commercial Labelled Pesticides: Non Agricultural Sectors | Mullett, Robin G. | 1993 | |
Impact Assessment for Extending Pesticide Applicator Certification Requirements to Use of All Commercially Labelled Pesticides: Agriculture Sector | Johnson, Mary Alice | 1993 | |
Impacts of Operational Foliar Glyphosate Applications on Ungulate Forage Values: Pre-Treatment Report | Grainger, K. L. | 1991 | |
Implications of Climate Change in British Columbia's Southern Interior Forests: Workshop Summary | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2005 | |
The Importance of Charlie Lake and its Watershed | Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
The Importance of Nukko Lake & Its Watershed | Jacklin, James | 2006 | |
The Importance of Purden Lake & its Watershed | Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
The Importance of Swan Lake & Its Watershed | Jacklin, James | 2006 | |
In Situ Algal Bioassay Procedure Skaha Lake and Nutrient Limitations | BC Ministry of Environment | 1978 | |
Incident Summary Report - CN Rail - Cheakamus River Derailment and Spill | Ministry of Environment, Environmental Protection Division | 2006 | |
Indicators of Climate Change for British Columbia, 2002 | Fraser, Jenny | 2002 | |
Industrial Waste: MINING, SMELTING and ENERGY: Coal-fired Power Boiler Emission Guidelines 2005 | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Industry/Agency Management Plans for Halons in Fire-Fighting Equipment: 1998 | Sutherland, John | 1999 | |
Information Bulletin - A Review of "Chlorine Residual" | M.J.R. Clark | 1974 | |
Initial Generator Registration | BC Ministry of Environment | 1992 | |
Initial Modelling of a Future Year Emissions Control Strategy for the lower Fraser Valley: Relative Impacts of Selected Gasoline and Natural Gas Vehicle Technologies | Hedley, M | 1996 | |
Inquiry Into Aerial Pesticide Applications to Agricultural Lands in the Fraser Valley Lower Mainland | D.G. Regan and Associates Ltd. | 1993 | |
Inspection of Coquitlam River Gravel Operations: December 24, 1980 | Mackinnon, Gordon | 1980 | |
Inspection of Coquitlam River Gravel Operations: February 6, 1981 | Mackinnon, Gordon | 1981 | |
Institutional Control Programs and Practices: A Review of Current Practices and an Evaluation of Program Amendment Options | DPRA Canada | 2006 | |
Instructions for pesticide examination candidates Integrated Pest Management Program | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2005 | |
Instructions to Transport Licence Applicants | BC Ministry of Environment | 1992 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Forest Pest Management Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Landscape/Structural Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Landscape/Structural Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Mosquito Management Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Noxious Weed/Invasive Plant Management Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Railway Pest Management Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Vegetation Management on Industrial Sites Sector Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation Vendors? Review Paper | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulations Intentions Paper ? Overview | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulations Intentions Paper ? Questions and Answers | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Integrated Pest Management in British Columbia Agriculture: 1993 | Prasad, R. | 1994 | |
Integration of Air Quality - Related Planning Processes: Report | Holland Barrs Planning Group Inc. | 2004 | |
Integration of Air Quality-Related Planning Processes: Report | Holland Barrs Planning Group Inc. | 2004 | |
Intentions Paper Adding a Schedule for Tires to the Recycling Regulation | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Intentions Paper: Adding a Schedule for Electronic Equipment to the Recycling Regulation | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Interim Recommendations for Emissions from Spray Booths in Busan 1030 Wood Protection Operations | Ward, John E.H. | 1986 | |
The International System of Units (SI) Metric Practice Guide | Ministry of Environment | 1979 | |
International Trend Affecting the Use of Pesticides in British Columbia | Eriksson, Margaret L. | 1995 | |
Introduction to the Life Histories of Myriophyllum Species in Southwestern British Columbia | Warrington, P.D. | 1983 | |
An Inventory and Analysis of Control Measures for Methane for British Columbia | B.H. Levelton & Associates Ltd. | 1991 | |
Inventory of 1991 Consumption and Emissions of Selected Chlorinated Solvents in British Columbia | Wilkin, J.G. | 1993 | |
Inventory of Air Quality Bylaws in British Columbia for: Anti-Idling, Open-Burning and Wood-Burning Appliances | Alderson, Jennifer | 2007 | |
Inventory of Authorized Discharges Under the Waste Management Permit Fees Regulation | BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks? | 1995 | |
Inventory of Common Air Contaminants Emitted in the Williams Lake Airshed For the Year 2000 | Plain, Earle | 2002 | |
Investigations of the Environmental Impact of the Ladysmith Sewage Treatment Plant on Ladysmith Harbour | Hansen, Debbie | 1993 | |
Is it Safe to Burn? Phone Your Regional Burning "Hotline" to Find Out | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2002 | |
Issues and Options Paper for Non-point Source Pollution Management in BC | Holdstock, John | 1996 | |
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