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Title | Primary Author | Date | View |
P3 Draft Director's Criteria for Contaminated Sites Criteria for Managing Contaminated Sediment in British Columbia | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2002 | |
Paleolimnological Analysis of Bednesti Lake, B.C.: Final Report | Cumming, Dr. Brian | 2000 | |
Paleolimnological Analysis of Culculz Lake, B.C.: Final Report | Cumming, Dr. Brian | 2000 | |
Paleolimnological Analysis of Nicola Lake, B.C.: Final Report | Cumming, Dr. Brian | 1999 | |
Paleolimnological Assessment of Tchesinkut, Takysie and Francois Lakes, British Columbia (February 1998) | Reavie, Euan D | 1998 | |
Paleolimnological Assessment of the Eutrophication History of Tyhee Lake, British Columbia (April 1997) | Reavie, Euan D | 1997 | |
Paleolimnological Eutrophication Study Post-settlement Data for British Columbia | Reavie, Eiam D | 1974 | |
Panel Review of British Columbia's Drinking Water Protection Act | Drinking Water Review Panel | 2002 | |
Particulate Matter in British Columbia - A Report on PM10 and PM2.5 Mass Concentrations up to 2000 | Suzuki, Natalie M | 2003 | |
Particulate Matter Source Apportionment in Golden, British Columbia | Willis, Paul F. | 2005 | |
Peace River Area, Charlie Lake Sub-basin Water Quality Assessment and Objectives, Technical Appendix | Nordin, Richard N | 1985 | |
Peace River Mainstem Water Quality Assessment and Objectives Technical Appendix | Butcher, G.A. | 1987 | |
Pemberton Meadows Dike Inventory Map | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Pemberton Meadows Mount Currie Dike Inventory Map | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Pemberton Meadows North Dike Inventory Map | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Pemberton Village Dike Inventory Map | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Pender Harbour Water Quality Assessment and Objectives | Hall, Roland I | 1992 | |
Pest Control Service Licence Annual Summary of Pesticide Use | BC Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Pesticide Applicator and Dispenser Certification Evaluation: Methods Development | Greenaway, Laura | 1995 | |
Pesticide Applicator and Dispenser Certification Exams: Status Report | Roik, Anna | 1996 | |
Pesticide Control Act Appeals Review | Marsden, Sarah | 2001 | |
Pesticide Management Program: A Strategic 5-Year Plan | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1993 | |
Pesticide Regulation in British Columbia | Ombudsman of British Columbia | 1988 | |
PESTICIDE USE NOTICE | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2005 | |
Pesticide Use Record - Model Form | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Pesticide Use Record For The Year 20____ | BC Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Petroleum Cardlock Stormwater Effluent Quality | Freyman, Elizabeth | 1993 | |
PH Tolerance of the Aquatic Plants of British Columbia | BC Ministry of Environment | 1978 | |
Phase II Feasibility Study: Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program in the Lower Fraser Valley | Sierra Research Inc. | 1994 | |
Phosphorus Loading to Okanagan Lake From Dustfall and Precipitation | BC Ministry of Environment and Parks | 1988 | |
Phytochemical Differentiation of Myriophyllum Taxa Collected in British Columbia | BC Ministry of Environment | 1977 | |
Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, 1984 - 1994 In 6 Small Coastal Lakes of Southern Vancouver Island | Parks, Christopher D. | 1995 | |
Pilot Project to Develop A Common Inter - Agency Emissions Data Base Interim Report | B.H. Levelton & Associates Ltd. | 1988 | |
Pine River Sub-basin Water Quality Assessment and Objectives Technical Appendix | Butcher, G.A. | 1985 | |
Pitt Meadows South Dike Inventory Map | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
PM-2.5 Composition and Sources | Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards | 1997 | |
Point and Non-Point Sources of Pollution to Water Courses in Urbanized Areas within the Lillooet River Watershed | Freyman, Elizabeth | 1997 | |
Pollution Control Objectives for Food-processing, Agriculturally Orientated, and Other Miscellaneous Industries of British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 1989 | |
Pollution Control Objectives for the Forest Products Industry of British Columbia | Pollution Control Board | 1977 | |
Pollution Control Objectives for the Mining, Smelting and Related Industries of British Columbia, 1979 | Pollution Control Branch | 1987 | |
Pollution control Objectives for Waste Discharges in British Columbia | BC Ministry of Environment | 1989 | |
Pollution Prevention Program: Business Review | Crozier, Rick | 2001 | |
Port Coquitlam Dike Inventory Map | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Potential Economic Implication of Possible Kyoto Scenarios on the BC Forest Industry | BW McCloy & Associates Inc. | 2002 | |
Potential Economic Implications of Possible Kyoto Scenarios on the BC Forest Industry | BW McCloy & Associates Inc. | 2002 | |
Potential Economic Instrument Approaches to Air Quality Management in the GVRD (Draft) | ARA Consortium | 1995 | |
Potential for Commuter Vanpool Services: Benefits and Costs | Urban Systems Ltd. | 1995 | |
Potential of Soils and Geology to Reduce Acidity of Atmospheric Deposition | Surveys and Resource Mapping Branch | 1987 | |
Pouce Coupe River Sub-basin Water Quality Assessment and Objectives Technical Appendix | Butcher, G.A. | 1985 | |
Preliminary Assessment of Millionaire Creek Automated Water Quality Monitoring Data | Aquaticinformatics Inc | 2004 | |
A Preliminary Assessment of the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Annacis Island Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent Discharge Impact | Swain, L.G. | 1993 | |
Preliminary Investigations of Shawnigan Lake Water Quality 1976 | BC Ministry of Environment | 1977 | |
Preliminary Report on the use of Elk Lake as a Balancing Reservoir for Irrigation: Possible Effects on Limnology, Water Quality and Fisheries (1981) | Nordin, Richard N | 1981 | |
Premier Gordon Campbell's Letter to Prime Minister Jean Chr?tien | Campbell, Gordon | 2002 | |
Pricing Pollution: Revising British Columbia's Waste Discharge Permit Fees | Stone, Michael | 1990 | |
Primer on the Guidelines for Air Dispersion Modelling in BC | BC Ministry of Environment | 2005 | |
Prince George Dispersion Modelling Project: Summary Report | Bennett, R.C. | 1986 | |
PROCEDURE MANUAL Protocol for Regulation of Petroleum Ministry of Hydrocarbons in Water under the Special Waste Water Land and Air Protection and Contaminated Sites Regulations | Evans, Peggy | 1999 | |
Proceedings AES workshop on Environmental Emergencies | Atmospheric Environment Service - Environment Canada | 1981 | |
Proceedings of the 1993 Workshop on Environmental Quality and Research & Inventory of Monitoring and Research for 1992/93 | Water Quality/Waste Management Committee | 1993 | |
Proceedings of the 1999 Workshop on "Molybdenum Issues in Reclamation" | Price, William A. | 1999 | |
Producer Workshop Proceedings: component project of managment of livestock and poultry manures in the Fraser Valley. Report 7 | Brisbin, P.E. | 1996 | |
Product Stewardship Regulation Review Stakeholder Consultation Summary of March 2003 Workshops | Recycling Council of British Columbia | 2003 | |
Product Stewardship Regulation Review: a discussion paper | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2003 | |
Program for Participation: How British Columbia is Managing Solid Waste | BC Environment | 1993 | |
Progress Report: Canada's First National Business Plan 2001 | National Climate Change Process | 2001 | |
Projected Sea Level Changes for British Columbia in the 21st Century | Bornhold, Brian | 2008 | |
Proposed Forceman Ridge Landfil Kitimat BC | Golders Associates Ltd | 2015 | |
Proposed Solutions to the Taste and Odour Problems in Garnet Reservoir 1981 | Mckean, Colin J.P. | 1981 | |
Protecting BC's Natural Assets | Province of British Columbia | 1998 | |
Protecting the Environment - A Shared Responsibility - Second Annual Conference on Local Government and Environmental Legislation - Conference Proceedings Summary | Ministry of Environment | 1994 | |
Protocol 10 for Contaminated Sites: Hardness Dependent Site-Specific Freshwater Water Quality Standards for Cadmium and Zinc | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2002 | |
Protocol 10 for contaminated sites: hardness dependent Site-Specific Freshwater Water Quality Standards for Cadmium and Zinc | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2001 | |
Protocol 2 for Contaminated Sites - Site Specific Numerical Soil Standards | Ministry of Environment | 1998 | |
PROTOCOL 6 FOR CONTAMINATED SITES Eligibility of Applications for Review by Approved Professionals | McCammon, Alan | 2004 | |
Protocol 6 for Contaminated Sites: Determining the Role of the Roster of Professional Experts | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2002 | |
Protocol 8 for Contaminated Sites - Security for Contaminated Sites | Ministry of Environment | 2007 | |
Protocol 9 for Contaminated Sites - Determining Background Groundwater Quality | Ministry of Environment | 2004 | |
PROTOCOL FOR CONTAMINATED SITES Determining Background Groundwater Quality | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2005 | |
Protocol X8 for Contaminated Sites: Site-Specific Numerical Water Quality Standards for VPHw and LEPHw | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2003 | |
Protocols for Marine Environmental Monitoring | BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2002 | |
A Provincial Airshed Flanning Framework: Summaryof Findings from Stakeholder Consultations | Elevate Consulting | 2006 | |
A Provincial Airshed Planning Framework Consultation Discussion Paper | Sheltair Group | 2006 | |
Provincial Framework for Airshed Planning | Ministry of Environment | 2007 | |
Provincial Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Emission Guidelines | BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks | 1995 | |
Pulp & Paper Solid Residues | Pollution Prevention and Remediation Branch | 2000 | |
The Purchase of Cleaner technology Vehicles for 1997: Phase I Report of teh Cleaner Technology Vehicle Committee | B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1996 | |
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