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Stock Assessment Reports >
Amanita Lake
Recreational Fishery Stock Assessment 1999 Final
PHOTO 1. Amanita Lake Aerial
Photo. July 2000.
Click image to view 74K JPG |
PHOTO 2. Amanita Lake Forest Recreation Site.
May 2000.
Click image to view 99K JPG |
TABLE 1. Physical Attributes of
Amanita Lake.
Waterbody identifier |
00180MORK |
Water surface area |
35.3 ha. |
Area above 6 m contour |
17.3 ha. |
Shoreline perimeter |
3,200 m |
Maximum depth |
18.9 m |
Volume |
1,748,779 m3 |
Mean depth |
5.0 m |
Elevation |
686 m |
T.D.S. |
8 mg/L |
Morphoedaphic index |
1.6 |
This report presents the results of a stock assessment of Amanita
Lake, completed on August 4, 1999 under a partnership arrangement
between the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks and the Carrier
Sekani Tribal Council (CSTC), with funding obtained from
Fisheries Renewal
B.C. through the Upper Fraser-Nechako Fisheries Council.
Margo French and Lawrence Ward of the CSTC delivered the fieldwork
component of the assessment; the author conducted the analysis
and reporting of the field results. Inquiries pertaining to this
report should be directed to the author at the email and address
located at the bottom of this page.
Amanita Lake is located approximately 69 km NE of Prince George,
near McGregor Camp, on the north side of the Fraser River. A 10
vehicle-unit B.C.
Forest Recreation Site is located adjacent to the lake, with
car-top boat access to the lake's shore. A motor ban prohibits
the use of motorized boats. In the past, the lake was heavily
used as a recreational destination for hunters as well as workers
from McGregor Camp. Prior to the camp's closure in 1996, the lake
received over 10,000 user visits; more recently the usage has
dropped to between 2,400 and 3,500 users per year. The proportion
of users that target the lake specifically for angling is unknown,
however anecdotal reports suggest that both summer recreationalists
and fall hunters fish the lake to some degree. Click here
for road directions to Amanita Lake.
Amanita Lake was first surveyed in 1971, at
which time it was determined that the lake was barren of all fish
species. The lake was stocked with 16,000
rainbow trout fry in 1972, and in 1974 was stocked with 8,000
yearlings. The lake then received irregular releases of 10,000
fry until 1982, at which time the stocking rate was reduced to
5,000 and then 2,500 fish at various yearly intervals. In 1995
the number of yearlings stocked was reduced again, to 1,500 fish
of the All-Female Pennask strain.
A Habitat Improvement Reconnaissance Survey (Wightman,
1976) was conducted in 1975, with the stated intent "to
investigate alternatives to continued stocking of this lake."
This survey concluded that the lake did not contain any suitable
spawning habitat, and that continued stocking would be required
to sustain the lake's recreational fishery.
In August 1990 a stock assessment was undertaken
by Ministry staff, however the age structures collected during
this survey were not analyzed, and management recommendations
were not developed. Water quality data indicated that the lake's
specific conductance was extremely low, at 7 µS/cm. This
result was verified during a water quality sampling assessment
that was undertaken by Queens University in 1997 (unpubl. data,
note to file).
Since none of the surveys completed to date had developed an
age-structured analysis of the performance of fish stocked in
Amanita Lake, and since no data had been collected since 1990,
the lake was assigned a high priority for assessment in 1999.
A 91.4 m sinking monofilament gill net of experimental mesh sizes
was set in Amanita Lake at 1:00 PM on August 3, 1999, according
to the methods specified in the Resource Inventory Committee document
Collection Methods and Standards. The net was deployed
in a NW-SE orientation from the north shore of the western basin
(Figure 1), and was retrieved on August
4 at 10:20 AM. The net was then re-deployed at 11:20 AM in a NW-SE
orientation from the north shore of the lake's eastern basin,
and was retrieved at 1:45 PM of the same day. The total combined
soak time of the two net sets was 23.75 hours.
FIGURE 1. Location of Amanita Lake
gill net sets, August 4, 1999. Click image to view
detailed 32K map. |
All trout collected were sampled for fork length (mm), weight
(to 0.1 g), sex, and maturity. Stomach contents were examined
in the field. Scales were collected for age structure analysis,
which was performed by Darlene
Gillespie of TimeMark Consulting Ltd. (Nanaimo, B.C.). Several
structures were assigned as both Age 2 and Age 1 by the contractor,
due to uncertainty in the ageing process. In this case the mean
lengths and weights of the two groups (i.e. tentative Age 1 vs.
confident Age 2) were compared using a one-tailed T test.
TABLE 2. Physical attributes of rainbow trout
sampled in Amanita Lake,
August 4, 1999.
Attribute |
Mean |
Range |
Std. Dev. |
Length (mm) |
178 |
125-327 |
75 |
Weight (g) |
98 |
21-375 |
129 |
Condition |
1.11 |
0.93-1.31 |
0.09 |
Results and Discussion
The combined net catch yielded 18 rainbow trout (RB),
for a catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 0.76 RB per net-hour. No
other species were captured. See Appendix
1 for specific fish attribute data. Fourteen fish were classified
as "immature," the remaining 4 were "maturing." Four
fish were female, the gonads of all other fish sampled were not
mature and could not be classified.
FIGURE 2. Length vs. weight of rainbow trout
sampled in Amanita Lake, August 4, 1999. |
The length-weight relationship of the sampled population is described
by the equation W = 1 x 10-5 x L
2.99 (R2=0.98),
where W = weight in grams and L = length in millimeters. For trout
heavier than 100g, the mean condition of the population was 1.10,
with a coefficient of variation of 14.5%. Since only 4 fish larger
that 100 g were sampled, this statistic may not represent the
population as a whole, however the mean condition reported is
similar to that reported in other lakes in the region. No other
deformities or health issues were reported.
Fish that were tentatively classified as Age 1 were significantly
shorter and lighter than fish that were confidently assigned as
Age 2 (length and weight : p < 0.01). It is therefore assumed
that there were indeed Age 1 fish in the sample, and we postulate
that Age 1, Age 2 and Age 4 fish were captured in Amanita Lake
in 1999 (see Appendix 1). These trout
are represented by two distinct size groups, as seen in Figure
FIGURE 3. Length frequency distribution of rainbow
trout sampled in Amanita Lake, comparing 1990 and
1999 results. |
According to the Provincial stocking records database (see Appendix
2), and assuming that natural recruitment is inhibited, Amanita
Lake had a trout population that was composed of 1, 2, 4 and 5
year old fish in 1990. This age structure is supported by the
length frequency distribution observed for that year. The lake
has been stocked yearly since 1989, yet in 1999 the sampled population
did not include any fish from the 1996 (i.e. Age 3) year class.
This absence could be explained by the occurrence of a year class
failure, by an error in compiling the stocking records, or due
to sampling error.
Age 1 fish gained an average of 8.8 g from June 4 to August 4
in 1999, and Age 2 trout gained an average of 25.3 g from May
31, 1998 to August 4, 1999. The largest fish captured was a 375
g, 4-year-old female that was 327 mm in length. The mean weight
and length of the 4-year-olds sampled was 330 g and 311 mm respectively.
Assuming a minimum acceptable catchable size of 250 mm, Amanita
Lake rainbow trout currently do not enter into the recreational
fishery until they have reached at least 3 years of age.
Management Recommendations
Amanita Lake was stocked in order to create a "put and take"
recreational fishery of low to moderate use for area residents
(note to file, 1989). While it was recognized that the lake would
not likely produce large rainbow trout, it was initially assumed
that the lake had a TDS of 100 mg/L and stocking densities were
based on this assumption. Recent survey results (Anonymous 1990,
Bruce Carmichael, MELP Water Quality Biologist, pers. comm.) have
shown that Amanita Lake has the lowest conductivity of all lakes
sampled in the Omineca region, and it is now estimated that the
lake's TDS is actually between 4 and 8 mg/L.
While not spectacular, the rate of growth recorded for 4-year-old
rainbow trout during our survey was actually higher than would
be expected at current stocking densities, given the lake's low
productivity. The provincial stocking formula (# yearlings
= TDS * ((2.47*Shoal Area) + (0.247*Surface Area)) recommends
that Amanita Lake be stocked at 411 yearlings per year, far below
the current stocking rate. The growth rate of Amanita Lake fish
is therefore not likely to be directly linked to the lake's TDS
but rather to other factors that have not been accounted for.
The very low rainbow trout catch per unit effort recorded during
this assessment suggests that the lake contains few catchable
trout. In addition, the complete absence of the 1997 year class
is cause for concern, and it is possible that the low productivity
may have contributed to a year class failure.
Due to the combination of relatively slow growth and low densities
of catchable trout, Amanita Lake may not be considered as a high
quality angling experience by recreationalists. However, the statistics
indicate that the Recreation Site is highly used by the public,
suggesting that at least some users are targeting the lake as
an angling destination. To gain a better understanding of angler
use (as opposed to Recreation Site use), it is recommended that
angler interest be assessed through informal interviews with Recreation
Site users, local residents, and area workers. If the results
of these interviews reveal that the lake is valued by the angling
community, then stocking should continue, as its relative cost
to the Fisheries program is fairly minimal.
Literature Cited.
Anonymous, 1990. Amanita Lake stock assessment data. Data
on file. Ministry of Environment. Prince George.
Chudyk and Erickson, 1971. Amanita Lake survey data. Data
on file. Ministry of Environment. Prince George.
Whiteman, J.C. and A. Charbonneau, 1976. Reconnaissance
Habitat Improvement Report : Amanita Lake. Ministry of Environment.
Prince George.
Appendix 1.
Appendix 2.
For More Information:
Contact :Ted Zimmerman
Sr. Fisheries Biologist, Omineca sub-Region
Prince George, B.C.