Identified Wildlife Management Strategy 2004

The Identified Wildlife Management Strategy (IWMS) Version 2004 was released in June 2004 and replaces IWMS Volume 1, released in 1999. IWMS Version 2004 contains an updated list of identified wildlife, updated species accounts and updated procedures for implementing the IWMS.

Two companion documents address the management of Identified Wildlife, and together comprise the IWMS Version 2004. The first document, Procedures for Managing Identified Wildlife,describes the procedures for establishing, modifying and rescinding a wildlife habitat area, and for implementing strategic- and landscape-level planning recommendations. This document provides direction to government planners, foresters and wildlife managers.

The second document, Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife, summarizes the status, life history, distribution and habitats of Identified Wildlife, and outlines specific guidelines for management of their habitats.

These documents are a resource for government planners, foresters and wildlife managers, and for those persons interested in the life histories of Identified Wildlife. They provide the necessary information, procedures, practices and guidelines to help achieve effective management and conservation of Identified Wildlife under the Forest and Range Practices Act.