Objective Set By Government For Wildlife

Section 7 of Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (FPPR) and section 9 of the Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation (WLPPR) identify the objective set by government for wildlife for the purposes of Forest Stewardship Planning and Woodlot Licence Planning under the Forest and Range Practices Act.

A person preparing a Forest Stewardship Plan or Woodlot Licence Plan is required to address the objective if the Minister responsible for the Wildlife Act, the Minister of Environment or delegate, notifies the person of the applicable species and indicators of the amount, distribution and attributes of the wildlife habitat applicable to the objective.

Providing Notices

On December 30, 2004 the Ministry of Environment notified all affected Forest Act agreement holders that Notices had been produced to provide indicators of the amount of area, distribution of areas and attributes for the survival of species at risk and the winter survival of specified ungulate species. Notice were produced at the Forest district level for species at risk and for ungulates at the TFL or TSA level. Notices will not be provided for Regionally Important Wildlife until the category of Regionally Important Wildlife is completed. Each Notice was accompanied by supporting information which provides background information on how the indicators of the amount, distribution and attributes of wildlife habitat included in the Notice were derived. The Supporting Information is not part of the legal Notice, but contains background information to the Notice indicating how amounts were derived. The Supporting Information provides additional information for consideration by delegated decision makers and by those persons required to prepare results and strategies consistent with section 7(1) of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation or act in a manner consistent with section 9(2) of the Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation. Notices are periodically updated when new information is made available. Forest Act agreement holders are notified of any revisions to the Notices.


The Minister responsible for the Wildlife Act must exempt a person required to prepare a Forest Stewardship Plan or a Woodlot Licence Plan from the obligation to address the objective set by government for wildlife, in whole or in part, to the extent that a wildlife habitat area, ungulate winter range, general wildlife measure or wildlife habitat feature has addressed the intent of the objective. For species included in the Notices, orders establishing wildlife habitat areas or ungulate winter ranges and associated general wildlife measures or objectives include a section that speaks directly to this exemption.

Tracking Notices for Species at Risk
Tracking Notices for Ungulates

Notices and Supporting Information