Alternative Strategies

To achieve the results stated in the guidelines, CR operators may decide to:

1. adhere to all desired behaviours listed in the guidelines for the particular activity or activities that they are authorized to undertake or are applying for. If this is the case they would include a statement within their management plan that: “The Wildlife Guidelines, as amended from time to time, will be followed / adhered to when carrying out activities authorized by the Crown land tenure ………….” ;


2. propose alternative strategies within their management plans to achieve any of the listed results. If this is the case the Management Plan must include a statement to the effect that: “The Wildlife Guidelines (as amended from time to time) will be adhered to when carrying out activities, except where an alternative strategy has been approved.”

Alternative strategies must be included in the Management Plan submitted by the proponent and must include:

  • a suite of behaviours designed to achieve the listed result;
  • a monitoring and adaptive plan to ensure results are being met; and
  • sign-off by a qualified professional; that is a competent professional who is a member of a certifying body which has standards of practice and can hold that member accountable (e.g., Professional Biologists, Professional Foresters, Professional Agrologists and Professional Engineers and Geoscientists).

Note: There must be a corresponding alternative strategy for all listed results if the operator decides not to adopt any of the desired behaviours for their activities.

For more information on application and approval processes, see the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts site for Adventure Tourism / Commercial Recreation.