B.C. Air Quality

Air Monitoring in Northeastern B.C.

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Choose a monitoring station using the drop-down list below, or use the map to find the monitoring station nearest you.

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Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

Total reduced sulphur (TRS)

Sulphur dioxide (S02)

Particulate matter < 10 μm (PM10)

Fine particulate matter < 2.5 μm (PM25)

Relative Humidity (RH)


Wind speed


Nitrogen Oxide

Nitrogen Dioxide

Air Quality in Northeast BC:

Five air quality Fact Sheets provide basic information on air quality in the Peace region of northeast BC. This information explains the current concentrations of air pollutants, the common sources of these pollutants and how the Ministry of Environment is partnering with other agencies to continue to gather data to help manage air quality in the Peace region.

The Air Quality Characterization of Northeast BC report provides a description of the ambient air quality in the Peace region of BC. Oil and gas development has been occurring for many years in this region and is expected to expand in the future. This has led to public concern about the potential impacts of air emissions from this industry on the environment and human health.

The report is based on two data sources:

  1. Monitored ambient air quality for up to 15 years (1998-2013)
  2. Computer dispersion modelling based primarily on pollutant emissions and meteorology during the year 2010.

The report compares ambient air quality throughout the Peace Region to 2013 BC air quality objectives.

Summary of Monitoring Air Quality In Northeastern BC

More air quality data:

  • ppb: parts per billion
  • ppm: parts per million
  • µg/m3: micrograms per cubic metre

Missing Data and Instrument Calibration:

It is normal for one hour per day to be missing from the displayed readings for all gas parameters. We schedule automated instrument checks for these periods to help ensure proper operation of the monitoring equipment.


Data found on this web site is accessible in raw form before all quality assurance reviews are complete. This data is preliminary and is subject to change during the review process.

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