Overview of this online context-sensitive help

This on-line help is not highly structured because it is meant to be accessed as context-sensitive help from within SPI Import when clicking on buttons within SPI Import. Clicking will bring you directly to help about the specific button you clicked on. More help for setup and running SPI Import can be found in the MSWord documents in this folder.

Here are some tips for accessing this online context-sensitive help.

Links to Help for Specific Forms/Windows/GUIs for Loading Data

SPI Import - Main

SPI Import - Dataset Detail

Overview of Supplementary Functions of SPI Import

Data Tree Permits you to browse through the projects and see the hierarchical Study Areas, Design Components, Surveys, Observations, etc. For each hierarchical level you can delete, do minor edits to the data, and manage document references (e.g. photos).

Set Security and/or Migrate to OPD Permits you to browse through all the projects, set the security of each project, and batch-migrate projects to SPI OPD.

Data Querying and Template Support There are many functions available on the Data Querying and Template Support form. Some of them are self-explanatory and contain no further explanation than the name of the button. Others provide further explanation after you click the button in SPI Import. You can always choose to cancel the function after clicking a button in SPI Import, so feel free to click the buttons in SPI Import to see a description of what each function does.

Data Formatting

Taxonomy Managemen

Sensitive Taxa Management
This form is for managing species-activity combinations that are considered sensitive. The data in the table are used when generating the incidental observation feature classes in the LRDW staging area. You can only edit this information if you are signed on with spi_admin.