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Title | Primary Author | Date | View |
Backcountry Recreation and Mountain Goats: A Proposed Research and Adaptive Management Plan | Wilson, S.F. | 2001 | |
Badger (Revised) | Blood, Donald A. | 2002 | |
Badger Prey Ecology: The Ecology of Six Small Mammals Found in British Columbia | Hoodicoff, C. | 2006 | |
Bat Usage of the Weymer Creek Cave Systems on Northern Vancouver Island (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Davis, Martin J. | 1999 | |
Bats in British Columbia (brochure) | Sarell, Michael | 1994 | |
Bats of Gandl K'in (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Burles, Douglas, W. | 1999 | |
BC Bear Facts | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1996 | |
BC Parks: Overview of Campground Vegetation at Sasquatch and Cultus Lake Camp Sites | Sanders, Peter R. W. | 1997 | |
The BC Watershed Restoration Program: Summary of the Experimental Design; Monitoring and Restoration Techniques Workshop | Keeley, E.R. | 1994 | |
Bear Smart brochure | Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection | 2000 | |
Bear Smart Community Program: Background Report | Davis, Helen | 2002 | |
Bears in Provincial Parks | BC Parks | 1992 | |
Best Management Practices for Amphibian and Reptile Salvages in British Columbia | Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations | 2016 | |
Best Management Practices for Bats in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2016 | |
Best Management Practices for Hazard Tree and Non-Hazard Tree Limbing, Topping or Removal | Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Best Management Practices for Lakeshore Stabilization | Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Best Management Practices for Raptor Conservation during Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia | Demarchi, Mike W. | 2005 | |
Best Management Practices for Recreational Activities on Grasslands in the Thompson and Okanagan Basins | Ministry of Environment | 2004 | |
Best Management Practices for Small Boat Moorage on Lakes | Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting, Roads, and Silviculture for Williamson's Sapsucker in British Columbia: East Kootenay Area of Occupancy | B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations | 2014 | |
Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting, Roads, and Silviculture for Williamson's Sapsucker in British Columbia: Okanagan-Boundary Area of Occupancy | B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations | 2014 | |
Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting, Roads, and Silviculture for Williamson's Sapsucker in British Columbia: Western Area of Occupancy | B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations | 2014 | |
A Bibliography of Selected Literature on Wildlife Trees with Annotations and Abstracts | Wildlife Tree Committee of British Columbia | 1994 | |
A Bibliography on the Marten | Stordeur, Linda A. | 1983 | |
Big Qualicum River Steelhead Fishery Investigations 1976 to 1981 | Hooton, R.S. | 1985 | |
Big Qualicum River Steelhead Investigations Progress During 1976-77 | Hooton, R.S. | 1977 | |
Big Qualicum River Steelhead Investigations Progress During 1977-78 | Hooton, R.S. | 1978 | |
Big Silver Creek Juvenile Steelhead & Rainbow Trout Stock Assessment, 1993 | Bech, Poul | 1994 | |
Bighorn Sheep in British Columbia | Blood, Donald A. | 2000 | |
Bio-physical Habitat Units and Interpretations for Moose Use of the Upper Cariboo River Wildlife Management Area | Lea, E.C. | 1988 | |
Biodiversity in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment, Land and Parks | 2002 | |
Biodiversity Publications Catalogue - Third Edition | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 2001 | |
Bioengineering Techniques for Streambank Restoration. A Review of Central European Practices | Donat, Martin | 1995 | |
Biological Reference Points from Deterministic Stock-Recruit Relations | Johnston, N.T. | 2002 | |
Biology and Conservation Challenges of Badgers in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Newhouse, Nancy J. | 1999 | |
The Biology and Management of the Salish Sucker and Nooksack Dace (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Pearson, Mike | 1999 | |
Biomonitoring with the Reference Condition Approach for the Detection of Aquatic Ecosystems at Risk (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Reece, Pamela F. | 1999 | |
Biophysical Analysis of the Sheep Mountain Wildlife Area | Lea, E.C. | 1990 | |
Biophysical Habitat Units for the Tatlayoko Lake Study Area: Expanded Legend and Interpretations | Lea, E.C. | 1993 | |
Biophysical Habitat Units of the Lower Halfway Study Area: Expanded Legend | Lea, E.C. | 1989 | |
Biophysical Habitat Units of the Mosley Creek Study Area: Expanded Legend and Interpretations | Lea, E.C. | 1990 | |
Biophysical Inventory An Historical Perspective | B. A. Pendergast | 1111 | |
Biophysical Land Capability Classification for Wildlife (Ungulates) Generation II | Ministry of Environment Wildlife/Recreation Section | 1979 | |
Biophysical Mapping Methodology for Wildlife Habitat | Lea, E. C. Ted | 1992 | |
Biophysical Resources of the East Kootenay Area: Outdoor Recreation | Collins, Beth | 1981 | |
Biophysical Resources of the East Kootenay Area: Soils | L. Lacelle | 1990 | |
Bird Checklist: Birds of the Sunshine Coast | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1997 | |
Bird Checklist: Colony Farm Regional Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1996 | |
Bird Checklist: Hayword Lake Reservoir Recreation Area | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1995 | |
Bird Checklist: Maplewood Flats, North Vancouver | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1995 | |
Bird Checklist: Mount Seymour Provincial Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1111 | |
Bird Checklist: Porpoise Bay Provincial Park, Sechelt | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1996 | |
Bird Checklist: Sargeant Bay Provincial Park, Sechelt | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1996 | |
Bird Checklist: Skagit Valley Provincial Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1997 | |
Bird Checklist: Squamish Estuary | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1997 | |
Bird Checklist: Woodhus Slough Area | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1995 | |
Bird Checklist: Boundary Bay Regional Park | Parks Department | 2002 | |
Bird Checklist: Cheam Lake Wetlands Regional Parklands | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1111 | |
Bird Checklist: Cypress Provincial Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1996 | |
Bird Checklist: George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1995 | |
Bird Checklist: Golden Ears Provincial Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1995 | |
Bird Checklist: Iona Island | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1994 | |
Bird Checklist: Pitt-Addington Marsh Wildlife Management Area | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1994 | |
Bird Checklist: Rolley Lake Provincial Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1995 | |
Bird Checklist: Serpentine Wildlife Area | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1994 | |
Bird Checklist: Shoreline Park | British Columbia Wildlife Watch | 1994 | |
Bird Checklist: Skagit Valley Provincial Park (Pamphlet) | Knopp, Denis | 1997 | |
Bird in Hot Water: Responses by Marbled Murrelets to Variable Ocean Temperatures off Southwestern Vancouver Island (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Burger, Alan M. | 1999 | |
Bird Viewing Around Prince George | BC Wildlife Watch | 1111 | |
The Birds of British Columbia Vol.4 - Passerines: Wood-Warblers through Old World Sparrows - Appendices only | Campbell, Wayne | 2001 | |
The Birds of British Columbia: A Taxonomic Catalogue | Cannings, Richard J. | 1998 | |
Bison in British Columbia | Blood, Donald A. | 2000 | |
Black Bear Habitat and Hazard Assessment: Diamond Head Area, Garibaldi Provincial Park: Incorporating a Geographic Information System (GIS) Decision Support Model | McCrory, Wayne | 2002 | |
Black Bears in British Columbia | Blood, Donald A. | 2001 | |
Boreal Chorus Frog (frogwatch factsheet) | Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection | 2002 | |
Boulder Introduction to Enhance Salmonid Rearing Habitat in Scott Creek Coquitlam River System | Yaworski, Barry | 1982 | |
Boulder Introductions to Enhance Trout and Salmon Habitat in Bear (Mahood) Creek Surrey B.C. | Fee, John | 1981 | |
Boulder Introductions to Enhance Trout and Salmon Rearing Habitat in Springer Creek Vancouver Island | Griffith, R.P. | 1981 | |
The Boundary Deer Herd | Spalding, D.J. | 1968 | |
Brassy Minnow | Ministry of Fisheries | 1999 | |
Breeding Bird Censuses in Garry Oak Forests, with Notes on Habitat Use, Metapopulations, and Consequences of Forest Fragmentation (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Shepard, Michael G. | 1999 | |
Breeding Distribution of the Lewis's Woodpecker in the East Kootenay Trench in Relation to Fire History (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Cooper, John M. | 1999 | |
The Breeding Ecology and Management of White Pelican at Stum Lake British Columbia | Dunbar, D.L. | 1984 | |
Breeding Songbirds and Woodpeckers in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia | Bryant, Andrew A. | 1996 | |
British Columbia Biophysical Bibliography May 1991 | Ministry of Environment | 1991 | |
British Columbia Dragonflies (Odonata), with Notes on Distribution and Habits | Whitehouse, F.C. | 1941 | |
British Columbia Fish and Wildlife Branch Fisheries Research Project Summaries | Northcote. T.G. | 1969 | |
British Columbia Freshwater Fish Field Report: Large Lakes | Habitat Conservation Trust Fund | 1111 | |
British Columbia Freshwater Fish Field Report: Rivers | Habitat Conservation Trust Fund | 1111 | |
British Columbia Freshwater Fish Field Report: Small Lakes | Habitat Conservation Trust Fund | 1111 | |
British Columbia Freshwater Fish Field Report: Streams | Habitat Conservation Trust Fund | 1111 | |
British Columbia Freshwater Results of the 1985 National Survey of Sport Fishing | Stone, Michael | 1988 | |
British Columbia Guide to Recovery Planning for Species and Ecosystems at Risk | Ministry off Environment | 2016 | |
The British Columbia Steelhead Sport Fishery, 1969-70 | Thomas, R.C. | 1971 | |
British Columbia Terrestrial and Freshwater Invertebrates: Inventory Priorities for and Status of Rare and Endangered Species | Ministry of Environment | 1994 | |
British Columbia Wildlife Habitat Rating Standards | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1999 | |
British Columbia's Freshwater Fish, Species, and Ecosystems are More at Risk and Less Protected (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Haas, Gordon R. | 1999 | |
British Columbia's Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy: Progress to Date and Future Directions (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Austin, M.A. | 1999 | |
British Columbia's Species Inventory Information System (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Lepp, Gerhardt | 1999 | |
Brown Bear Museum Specimens as a Source of Historic Genetic Information and a Tool for Conservation (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Miller, C.R. | 1999 | |
Bryophytes and Species at Risk in the Semi-arid Interior of British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | McIntosh, T. | 1999 | |
Bulkley/Morice Steelhead Stock Monitoring - 1986 | Tredger, C.D. | 1987 | |
Bull Trout - Identifying Strategies for Conserving a Fish Species at Risk | Haas, Gord | 2001 | |
Bull Trout Cumulative Effects Network | B. van Poorten | 2016 | |
Bull Trout in British Columbia | Habitat Conservation Trust Fund | 1111 | |
Bull Trout Management Model | B. van Poorten | 2016 | |
Bull Trout Spawning and Rearing Habitat Requirements: Summary of the Literature | Baxter, J.S. | 1996 | |
Bullfrog (frogwatch factsheet) | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 2001 | |
Burbot (Fish Facts) | Ministry of Fisheries | 1999 | |
Burrowing Owl (Species at risk) | Blood, Donald A. | 1998 | |
Butterflies of Conservation Concern in British Columbia, Canada: An Analysis of Specimens in the Royal British Columbia Museum Collection | Jacobsen, Jennifer | 1996 | |
Butterflies of Conservation Interest in Alberta, British Columbia, and Yukon (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Kondla, Norbert G. | 1999 | |
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