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Title | Primary Author | Date | View |
Safety Guide to Bears at Your Home | Ministry of Environment | 1993 | |
Safety Guide to Bears in the Wild | Ministry of Environment | 1996 | |
Safety Guide to Cougars | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1996 | |
Sage Thrasher | Blood, Donald A. | 1995 | |
Salish Sucker | Blood, Donald A. | 1993 | |
Salmon River Diversion Wildlife Overpass Pilot Project 2003 Annual Report | Materi, Joe | 2004 | |
Salmon River Diversion Wildlife Overpass Pilot Project Final Report | Materia, Joe, R.P.Bio | 2004 | |
Salmonid Biomass Assessment and Potential Carrying Capacity of Louis Creek Near Barriere British Columbia | Ptolemy, Ronald A. | 1982 | |
Salmonid Escapement Enumeration on the Keogh River: A Demonstration of a Resistivity Counter in British Columbia | McCubbing, D. J. F. | 2000 | |
Salmonid Swimming Performance in Relation to Passage | Wightman, J.C. | 1976 | |
Sandhill Crane | Blood, Donald A. | 1999 | |
Sasquatch Park: Forest Health and Thinning Study in Bench Campground | Mason, Adrienne | 2000 | |
Science Update for the South Peace Northern Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou pop. 15) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2014 | |
Sea Otter (Revised) | Blood, Donald A. | 1993 | |
Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory Project for East Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Kirkby, Jan | 1999 | |
Sensitivity of British Columbia's Freshwater Fish to Timber Harvest: Using Species Traits as Predictors of Species Risk | Porter, Marc | 2000 | |
Sex Ratio and Emigration among Brown Trou (Salmo trutta) in the Verkean River | Svardson, Gunnar | 1963 | |
Sharp-tailed Snake | Ovaska, Kristiina | 2004 | |
Sharp-tailed Snake Identification Guide | Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Sheep Inventory Completion Report Mission Ridge Transplant G.I.A. Project 93-EM09 | Harper, F.E. | 1993 | |
Short-eared Owl | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1998 | |
Shrub Burial by Snow Deposition in Immature Coastal Forests: A Review and Recommendation | Hovey, Fred W. | 1987 | |
Silverhope Creek Headwaters | Griffith, R.P. | 1979 | |
Silviculture Systems Research: Wildlife Tree Problem Analysis | Backhouse, Frances | 1991 | |
Size at Release Comparisons of Blackwater Strain Rainbow Trout in Monoculture and Coarsefish Lakes (1995-1998) | Godin, Theresa I. | 1999 | |
Size Selective Predation by Rainbow Trout on Two Lacustrine Oncorhynchus nerka Populations | Parkinson, Eric A. | 1989 | |
Size-related Survival of Resident Salmonids from Time of Lake or River Entry: Evidence from the Literature and Scale Evaluations | Burrows, Jeff A. | 1993 | |
Skagit Valley User Survey | Acres International Ltd. | 1988 | |
Skaha Hatchery Evaluation | Parkinson, E.A. | 1986 | |
Skeena River Steelhead Stock-Assessment Program: 1994 Catch and Escapement Monitoring Plan | Labelle, Marc | 1995 | |
Skeena River Steelhead Stock-Assessment Program: Estimation of the 1994 Commercial Catches in Area 4 | Labelle, M. | 1995 | |
Skills and Knowledge Requirements for the BC Watershed Restoration Program | Ward, Bruce R. | 1995 | |
Slider (turtle watch factsheet) | Ministry of Environment | 2007 | |
Small Stream Enhancement Opportunities for Sea-Run Cutthroat in the Lower Mainland and Sechelt Peninsula: Summary | de Leeuw, A.D. | 1982 | |
Small Stream Enhancement Possibilities for Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout in the Lower Mainalnd and Sechelt Peninsula: Enhancement Options (Volume 4 of 4) | De Leeuw, A. D. | 1981 | |
Small Stream Enhancement Possibilities for Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout in the Lower Mainland and Sechelt Peninsula - Fish Resource Users (Vol. 3 of 4) | de Leeuw, A.D. | 1981 | |
Small Stream Enhancement Possibilities for Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout in the Lower Mainland and Sechelt Peninsula - Land and Water Use (Vol. 2 of 4) | de Leeuw, A.D. | 1981 | |
Small Stream Enhancement Possibilities for Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout in the Lower Mainland and Sechelt Peninsula: Habitat and Fish Resources (Volume 1 of 4) | De Leeuw, A. D. | 1981 | |
Smolt Productivity of Off-channel Habitat in the Chilliwack River Watershed | Blackwell, C.N. | 1999 | |
Snowmobile - Mountain Caribou Interactions: Perceptions and Trends in Caribou Displacement | Kinley, T. | 2008 | |
Snowmobile-Caribou Surveys Within the Quesnel Highlands, Cariboo Region 2003 report | Price, Geoff | 2003 | |
Snowmobile-Caribou Surveys within the Quesnel Highlands, Cariboo Region, 2005 Report | Roorda, Lara | 2006 | |
Soil Constraints for Septic Tank Effluent Absorption | Epp, P.F. | 1984 | |
Soils of Southeast Vancouver Island Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Courtenay, and Port Alberni Areas | Jungen, J.R. | 1989 | |
Soils of Southeast Vancouver Island: Duncan-Nanaimo Area | Jungen, John Rudy | 1985 | |
Soils of the Fort St. John-Dawson Creek Area, British Columbia | Lord, T. M. | 1986 | |
Soils of the Gulf Islands: Volume 1 - Soils of Saltspring Island | Vliet, L. J. P. van | 1987 | |
Some Effects of Forest Harvesting on a Central Interior Lake in British Columbia | Parkinson, E.A. | 1977 | |
Some Effects of Forest Harvesting on Salmonid Rearing Habitat in Two Streams in the Central Interior of British Columbia | Slaney, P. A. | 1977 | |
Some Notes on the Steelhead Investigation | Maher, F. P. | 1950 | |
Songbird, Forest Owl and Small Mammal Diversity in Mature and Harvested Aspen and Mature Mixed-wood Forests in the Dawson Creek Forest District: Summary of Research and Related Survey Project 1992-1999 | Darling, Laura M. | 2002 | |
South Moresby Island Wilderness Proposal: An Overview Study | Environment and Land Use Committee Secretariat | 1979 | |
South Okanagan Conservation Strategy | Hlady, D.A. | 1990 | |
South Okanagan River Oxbow Restoration (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Barnett, I. | 1999 | |
The South Okanagan Valley: A National Treasure at Risk (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Cannings, Richard J. | 1999 | |
The Spawning and Rearing Habitat of Dolly Varden Char and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Allopatry and in Sympatry with Selected Salmonids | Griffith, R.P. | 1979 | |
Spawning Habitat Improvement in Bateman Creek, Tributary to Eaglet Lake | Griffith, R. P. | 1984 | |
Species at Risk, Conservation Strategies, and Ecological Integrity (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Scudder, G.G.E. | 1999 | |
Species at the Edge: The Case for Listing of "Peripheral" Species (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Fraser, David F. | 1999 | |
Species Notes for Amphibians. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Orchard, Stan A. | 1988 | |
Species Notes for Mammals. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Stevens, Victoria | 1988 | |
Species Notes for Reptiles. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Orchard, Stan A. | 1988 | |
Species Notes for Selected Birds. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Campbell, R. Wayne; Morgan, Kenneth H.; Palmateer, Calvor | 1988 | |
Species Ranking in British Columbia | Vennesland, Ross | 2002 | |
Species Risk Designation at the Canadian Federal Level: A Changing Role for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Green, David M. | 1999 | |
Species-habitat Relationship Models for Amphibians. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Orchard, Stan A. | 1988 | |
Species-habitat Relationship Models for Birds. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Ritcey, Ralph | 1988 | |
Species-habitat Relationship Models for Mammals. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Ritcey, Ralph | 1988 | |
Species-habitat Relationship Models for Reptiles. Wildlife Habitat Handbooks for the Southern Interior Ecoprovince | Orchard, Stan A. | 1988 | |
Sport Fishing Opportunities and Suspended Solid Concentrations in the Upper Nechako River With Changes in Regulated Summer Flows | Lewynsky, V.A. | 1986 | |
Spotted Bat | Blood, Donald A. | 1993 | |
Spotted Owl Inventory and Nest Site Descriptions (2004) and Telemetry and Monitoring of Juvenile Spotted Owls (2004 and 2005) | Hobbs, Jared | 2004 | |
Spotted Owl Management Plan - Summary report April 1997 | Collingwood, K.A. | 1997 | |
Spotted Owl Management Plan for the Chilliwack and Squamish Forest District (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Blackburn, I.R. | 1999 | |
Spraying of the Cameron River with D.D.T. for the Pine Butterfly and its Effect on the Indigenous Fish Populations | Lorz, H. | 1961 | |
Squamish Estuary Management Plan: Habitat Work Group Final Report | Habitat Work Group | 1982 | |
Squamish Estuary Management Plan: Volume 2 - Appendices (Draft) | Planning Committee | 1982 | |
Squamish River Estuary Management Study: Phase 1 Report Land Use Work Group | Ministry of Environment | 1980 | |
Squoxin: A Review of Research and Application | Staley, G.S. | 1974 | |
St. John River Valley Hardwood Forest of Western New Brunswick: Developing Conservation Initiatives for an Endangered Forest Assemblage on Private Lands (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | MacDougall, A. | 1999 | |
Standards and Best Practices for Instream Works | Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection | 2004 | |
Standards for Broad Terrestrial Ecosystem Classification and Mapping for British Columbia: Classification and Correlation of the Broad Habitat Classes used in 1:250,000 Ecological Mapping | Ecosystems Working Group | 2000 | |
State of Regional Parks: An Ecological Perspective (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Fleming, Tracy L. | 1999 | |
Status and Conservation Stewardship of the Pacific Great Blue Heron in Canada (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Butler, Robert W. | 1999 | |
The Status and Management of Caribou in British Columbia | Bergerud, A.T. | 1978 | |
Status of Bearded Owl-clover in British Columbia | Penny, Jenifer L. | 1999 | |
Status of Deltoid Balsamroot in British Columbia | Ryan, Michael | 1999 | |
Status of Dwarf Woolly-heads (Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus) in British Columbia | Douglas, G.W. | 2003 | |
Status of Fish Habitat in East Coast Vancouver Island Watersheds (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Reid, George E. | 1999 | |
Status of Five Butterflies and Skippers in British Columbia | Shepard, Jon H. | 2000 | |
The Status of the Grizzly Bear in Canada in 1990 | Banci, Vivian | 1991 | |
Status of Keen's Long-eared Myotis in British Columbia | Firman, Mitchell | 1993 | |
Status of Olive Clubtail Stylurus olivaceus (Selys) in British Columbia | Cannings, S.G. | 2003 | |
Status of Rabbitbrush Goldenweed in British Columbia | Douglas, George W. | 1999 | |
Status of River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis Say) in British Columbia | Cannings, S.G. | 2003 | |
Status of Roosevelt Elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) in British Columbia | Quayle, J.F. | 2003 | |
Status of Scarlet Ammania in British Columbia | Douglas, George W. | 1999 | |
Status of Slender Collomia (Collomia tenella) in British Columbia | Douglas, G.W. | 2003 | |
Status of Stoloniferous Pussytoes (Antennaria flagellaris) in British Columbia | Douglas, G.W. | 2003 | |
Status of the American Avocet in British Columbia | Gebauer, Martin B. | 2000 | |
Status of the Badger in British Columbia | Rahme, A.H. | 1995 | |
Status of the Bald Eagle in British Columbia | Blood, D.A. | 1994 | |
Status of the Bay-breasted Warbler in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1997 | |
Status of the Black-throated Green Warbler in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1997 | |
Status of the Bobolink in British Columbia | Van Damme, Linda M. | 1999 | |
Status of the Brewer's Sparrow in British Columbia | Sarell, M.J. | 1996 | |
Status of the California Bighorn Sheep in British Columbia | Demarchi, R.A. | 2000 | |
Status of the Canada Warbler in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1997 | |
Status of the Canyon Wren in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the Cape May Warbler in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1997 | |
Status of the Clouded Salamander in British Columbia | Davis, T.M. | 1993 | |
Status of the Connecticut Warbler in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1997 | |
Status of the Double-crested Cormorant in British Columbia | Moul, Ian A. | 2002 | |
Status of the Fisher in British Columbia | Weir, R.D. | 2003 | |
Status of the Flammulated Owl in British Columbia | van Woudenberg, Astrid M. | 1999 | |
Status of the Fringed Myotis in British Columbia | Rasheed, S.A. | 1995 | |
Status of the Golden Paintbrush in British Columbia | Ryan, Michael | 1999 | |
Status of the Grasshopper Sparrow in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the Gray Flycatcher in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the Great Basin Pocket Mouse (Perognathus parvus) in British Columbia | Nagorsen, David | 2004 | |
Status of the Great Blue Heron in British Columbia | Gebauer, M.B. | 2001 | |
Status of the Green Heron in British Columbia | Fraser, D.F. | 1996 | |
Status of the Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) subspecies T.m. oreocetes and T.M. selkirki in British Columbia | Nagorsen, David | 2004 | |
Status of the Lewis' Woodpecker in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1998 | |
Status of the Long-billed Curlew in British Columbia | Cannings, Richard J. | 1999 | |
Status of the Long-eared Owl in the South Okanagan - British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake in British Columbia | Charland, M.B. | 1993 | |
Status of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) in British Columbia | Blackburn, Ian | 2004 | |
Status of the Nuttall's Cottontail in British Columbia | Carter, D. | 1993 | |
Status of the Pallid Bat in British Columbia | Chapman, K. | 1994 | |
Status of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 2004 | |
Status of the Philadelphia Vireo in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1997 | |
Status of the Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 2004 | |
Status of the Prairie Falcon in the Chilcotin-Cariboo Region - British Columbia | Hooper, T.D. | 1997 | |
Status of the Purple Martin in British Columbia | Fraser, D.F. | 1997 | |
Status of the Red-tailed Chipmunk (Tamias ruficaudus) in British Columbia | Nagorsen, DAvid | 2004 | |
Status of the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in British Columbia | Demarchi, R.A. | 2000 | |
Status of the Sage Thrasher in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the Sandhill Crane in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1996 | |
Status of the Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus) in British Columbia | Leupin, E.E. | 2003 | |
Status of the Sharp-tailed Grouse columbianus subspecies (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) in British Columbia | Leupin, E.E | 2007 | |
Status of the Sharp-tailed Grouse in British Columbia | Ritcey, R. | 1995 | |
Status of the Sharp-tailed Snake in British Columbia | Spalding, D.J. | 1993 | |
Status of the Shrew-mole in British Columbia | Kremsater, L. | 1993 | |
Status of the Spotted Bat in British Columbia | Garcia, P.F.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the Sprague's Pipit in British Columbia | Hooper, T.D. | 1997 | |
Status of the Upland Sandpiper in the Chilcotin-Cariboo Region - British Columbia | Hooper, T.D. | 1997 | |
Status of the Vancouver Island Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma swarthi) in British Columbia | Darling, L.M. | 2003 | |
Status of the Vaux's Swift in British Columbia | Summers, K. | 1995 | |
Status of the Western Grebe in British Columbia | Burger, A.E. | 1997 | |
Status of the Western Harvest Mouse in British Columbia | Nagorsen, D.W. | 1995 | |
Status of the Western Screech-owl macfarlanei subspecies (Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei) in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 2007 | |
Status of the White-headed Woodpecker in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of the White-throated Swift in British Columbia | Summers, K. | 1995 | |
Status of the Williamson's Sapsucker in British Columbia | Cooper, J.M. | 1995 | |
Status of the Yellow-breasted Chat in British Columbia | Cannings, R.J. | 1995 | |
Status of Thinhorn Sheep in British Columbia | Demarchi, R.A. | 2004 | |
Status of Toothcup in British Columbia | Douglas, George W. | 1999 | |
The Status of the Vancouver Island Water Shrew (Sorex palustris brooksi) in British Columbia | Craig, V.J. | 2004 | |
Status of Water-plantain Buttercup in British Columbia | Illingworth, Jeanne M. | 1999 | |
Status of Western River Cruiser Macromia magnifica McLachlan in British Columbia | Cannings, S.G. | 2003 | |
Status of Western Small-footed Myotis in British Columbia | Garcia, P.F.J. | 1995 | |
Status of White-top Aster in British Columbia | Douglas, George W. | 1999 | |
Status Report on the Western Purple Martin [Progne subis arboricola] in British Columbia | Bruce Cousens | 2012 | |
Steelhead Fry Stocking Potential of Lower Big Silver Creek (Reach 1) | Bech, Poul | 1994 | |
Steelhead Fry Stocking Requirements for the Upper Harold Price Creek System - 1982 Revisions | Tredger, C.D. | 1983 | |
Steelhead Fry Stocking Requirements for the Upper Harold Price System Near Hazelton | Yaworski, B.A. | 1982 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1978-79 | Fisheries Management | 1979 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1980-81 | Ford, B.S. | 1982 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1982-83 | Billings, Susan J. | 1983 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1984-85 | Billings, Susan J. | 1986 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1985-86 | Billings, Susan J. | 1987 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1986-87 | Billings, Susan J. | 1988 | |
Steelhead Harvest Analysis 1987-88 | Billings, Susan J. | 1989 | |
Steelhead Production Characteristics of the Chilliwack-Vedder River System | Russell, J. R. L. | 1987 | |
Steelhead Production Characteristics of the Cranberry River-Nass River System 1986 | Sebastian, Dale | 1987 | |
Steelhead Propagation in British Columbia 1954-1959 | Cartwright, J. W. | 1960 | |
Steelhead Rearing Potential of Upper Big Silver Creek | Bech, Poul | 1989 | |
Steelhead Stock Monitoring Report ? Chilcotin Steelhead Stock Monitoring | Tredger, D. | 1985 | |
Steelhead Stock Monitoring Report ? Suskwa River Steelhead Fry Population Monitoring | Tredger, D. | 1986 | |
Steelhead Trout | Ministry of Fisheries | 1999 | |
Steelhead Trout Productivity and Stream Carrying Capacity for Rivers of the Skeena Drainage | Tautz, A.F. | 1992 | |
The Stein Basin Moratorium Study | Department of Recreation and Conservation | 1975 | |
Stewardship and the Reintroduction of Captive-bred Burrowing Owls into British Columbia: A Feasible Option for Recovery? (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Leupin, Ernest E. | 1999 | |
Stickleback Species Pairs | Hatfield, Todd | 1999 | |
Stock Monitoring Report ? Bulkley/Morice Steelhead Stock Monitoring | Tredger, D. | 1986 | |
Stone's Sheep of the Northern Rockies: The Effects of Access | Paquet, M.M. | 1999 | |
Strategic Direction for Habitat Protection | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1996 | |
A Strategy for the Recovery of Mountain Caribou in British Columbia | Mountain Caribou Technical Advisory Committee | 2002 | |
Stream Rehabilitation in British Columbia's Watershed Restoration Program: Juvenile Salmonid Response in the Keogh and Waukwass Rivers 1998 | McCubbing, D.J.F. | 1998 | |
Stream Stewardship: A Guide for Planners and Developers | Ministry of Environment | 1111 | |
Streamline; Vol. 1; No. 1; Winter 1996 | Ministry of Environment | 1996 | |
Streamline; Vol. 2; No. 1; Spring 1997 | Soto, Christina (editor) | 1997 | |
Streamline; Vol. 2; No. 1; Spring 1997 (Insert) | Ministry of Environment | 1997 | |
Streamline; Vol. 2; No. 2; Summer 1997 | Soto, Christina (editor) | 1997 | |
Streamline; Vol. 2; No. 3; Fall 1997 | Soto, Christina (editor) | 1997 | |
Streamline; Vol. 2; No. 4; Winter 1997 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1997 | |
Streamline; Vol. 3; No. 1; Spring 1998 | Sheng, Mel | 1998 | |
Streamline; Vol. 3; No. 2; Summer 1998 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1998 | |
Streamline; Vol. 3; No. 3; Fall 1998 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1998 | |
Streamline; Vol. 3; No. 4; Winter 1998 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1998 | |
Streamline; Vol. 4; No. 1; Spring 1999 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1999 | |
Streamline; Vol. 4; No. 2; Summer 1999 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1999 | |
Streamline; Vol. 4; No. 3; Fall 1999 (Special Edition - 5 Yrs of Watershed Restoration ) | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1999 | |
Streamline; Vol. 4; No. 4; Winter 1999 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 1999 | |
Streamline; Vol. 5; No. 1; Summer 2000 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2000 | |
Streamline; Vol. 5; No. 2; Fall 2000 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2000 | |
Streamline; Vol. 5; No. 3; Winter 2000 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2000 | |
Streamline; Vol. 5; No. 4; Spring 2001 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2001 | |
Streamline; Vol. 6; No. 1; Summer 2001 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2001 | |
Streamline; Vol. 6; No. 2; Fall 2001 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2001 | |
Streamline; Vol. 6; No. 3; Winter 2001/02 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2002 | |
Streamline; Vol. 6; No. 4; Spring 2002 | Underhill, Donna (editor) | 2002 | |
Stuart-Takla Fisheries/Forestry Interaction Project: Research Design Workshop | Bernard, David P. | 1994 | |
Studies of Radio-collared Caribou in the Spatsizi Wilderness Park Area British Columbia 1980-1984 | Hatler, David F. | 1986 | |
Study Designs for Evaluating the Effects of Forestry Activities on Aquatic-breeding Amphibians in Terrestrial Forest Habitats of British Columbia | Davis, Theodore M. | 1999 | |
Submission on Grazing by the British Columbia Fish and Wildlife Branch to the Selected Standing Committee on Forestry and Fisheries | Demarchi, R.A. | 1969 | |
The Success of Ungulate Reintroductions: Effects of Age and Sex Structure (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Komers, Petr E. | 1999 | |
Suitability for Fish Habitat Complexing of Six Stream Systems in the Lower Mainland | Fee, John | 1983 | |
Sulphur as an Air Pollutant | Rodhe, Henning | 1971 | |
Sumallo River Stocking Evaluation: Progress 1989 | Slaney, Pat A. | 1989 | |
A Summary of Climatic Regimes of British Columbia | Chilton, Rodney R.H. | 1981 | |
Summary of Historic and Contemporary Water Temperatures for the Columbia River and the Potential Effects of Impoundment | McAdam, Steven | 2000 | |
Summary of Public Comment on the Proposed Wildlife Management Plan for British Columbia | W.T. Munro | 1980 | |
A Summary of Roosting Requirements of Northern Long-Eared Myotis in Northeastern British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Vonhof, Maarten J. | 1999 | |
A Summary of Wild Steelhead Smolt Enumeration and Habitat Productivity Studies at Quinsam River 1976-1984 | Lirette, M.G. | 1985 | |
Supplement to the Population Assessment of the Northern Spotted Owl in British Columbia 1992-2001 | Blackburn, Ian R. | 2002 | |
A Surveillance and Response Plan for Chronic Wasting Disease in British Columbia | Garde, E.J. | 2007 | |
Survey of Sportfishing in British Columbia in 1975 | Ministry of Environment; Fisheries and Environment Canada | 1979 | |
Survey of the 1974 Dean River Steelhead Fishery | Leggett, J.W. | 1976 | |
Survey of the 1975 Dean River Steelhead Fishery | Leggett, J.W. | 1976 | |
A Survey of the Bat Fauna of the Dry Interior of British Columbia | Holroyd, S.L. | 1994 | |
A Survey of the Sport-fish Potential of the Lakes of the Nass River System with Particular Reference to their Use as Water Storage Reservoirs | Withler, I. L. | 1956 | |
Survival, Growth and Yield of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Twin Lakes, Southwestern British Columbia, Prior to Lake Fertilization | Johnston, N.T. | 1991 | |
Suspended Sediment and Fish Habitat Sedimentation in Central Interior Watersheds of British Columbia | Larkin, G.A. | 1998 | |
Sustainable Restoration? A Community Perspective on Environmental Capacity-Building (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Bauer, B. | 1999 | |
Synoptic Surveys of the Effects of Riparian Management Regulations Along S5 and S6 Streams on Downstream Fish Habitat | Johnston, N.T. | 2001 | |
A Systematic Method for Identifying Priority Areas to Conserve Rare Species Using 'Irreplaceability': A Test Case for the South Okanagan (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Warman, L. | 1999 | |
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