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Title | Primary Author | Date | View |
The Early Growth of Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) Fry in Relation to Ration | Johnston, N.T. | 1988 | |
The Early History of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia | Spalding, David J. | 2000 | |
East Kootenay Fisher Reintroduction Program (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Fontana, Anna J. | 1999 | |
East Kootenay Land Use Plan October 1994 | Commission on Resources and Environment | 1994 | |
East Kootenay Land Use Plan: Summary Report - October 1994 | Commission on Resources and Environment` | 1994 | |
Ecological Characteristics of Inland Rain Forests (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Arsenault, Andr? | 1999 | |
Ecological Mapping Biophysical Habitat Inventory | Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks | 9999 | |
Ecological Restoration and Habitat Renewal of the South Okanagan Shrub-Steppe (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Atwood, Lynne B. | 1999 | |
The Ecology of Introduced Common Wall Lizards (Podarcis muralis) in Saanich, Vancouver Island | Allan, Michael | 1993 | |
Ecology of Woodland Caribou in Wells Gray Provincial Park | Seip, Dale R. | 1990 | |
An Economic Assessment of the Provincial Trout Stocking Programme in the Thompson-Okanagan Area of British Columbia (1977-78) | Nordstrom, L. | 1978 | |
Economic Values and Impacts of Freshwater Sport Fishing in British Columbia | Stone, Michael | 1988 | |
Ecosystem Plan for Pelee Island (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Forbes, Mark R. | 1999 | |
Ecosystem Status Report for Purshia tridentata / Hesperostipa comata (antelope-brush / needle-and-thread grass) in British Columbia, 2012 | Kristi Iverson, Iverson & Mackenzie Biological Consulting Ltd. | 2012 | |
The Effect of Grazing on Ant Biodiversity in the South Okanagan (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Heron, Jennifer | 1999 | |
Effect of the Microbiotic Crust of the Antelope-Bruche (Purshia tridentata) Shrub-Steppe on Soil Moisture (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Atwood, Lynne B. | 1999 | |
Effect of the Microbiotic Crust of the Antelope-Brush (Purshia tridentata) Shrub-Steppe on Soil Moisture (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Atwood, Lynne B. | 1999 | |
Effect of Wolf Control on Black-tailed Deer in the Nimpkish Valley on Vancouver Island | Atkinson, K.T. | 1994 | |
Effect of Wolf Control on Black-tailed Deer in the Nimpkish Valley on Vancouver Island. Progress Report - 1984 August 31 to 1985 August 31 | Atkinson, K.T. | 1986 | |
Effectiveness Report to BC Parks 1991-1992 | Masselink, Jake | 1992 | |
Effects of a 2.5 Year Closure of the Cutthroat Fishery on the Upper St. Mary River: Management Implications of Implementing an Alternate Year Closure on East Kootenay Trout Streams | Martin, A.D. | 1984 | |
Effects of a Winter Flood Event on Juvenile Salmonid Populations and Associated Rearing Habitat in Salmon River (Langley) | de Leeuw, A.D. | 1981 | |
Effects of Forest Edge and Canopy Cover on the Detection and Nesting Ecology of Marbled Murrelets (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Manley, I.A. | 1999 | |
Effects of Forest Harvesting Practices on Spawning Habitat of Stream Salmonids in the Centennial Creek Watershed, British Columbia | Slaney, P.A. | 1977 | |
The Effects of Forest Management on Bird Communities of the Coastal Islands of Southern British Columbia: Problem Analysis | Morgan, Kenneth | 1985 | |
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Amphibians: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go From Here? (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Wind, Elke | 1999 | |
Effects of Intensive Forest Management on Amphibians and Reptiles of Vancouver Island: Problem Analysis | Sadoway, K. L. | 1986 | |
Effects of Intensive Forest Management on Non-Ungulate Mammals of Vancouver Island: Problem Analysis | Sadoway, K. L. | 1986 | |
Effects of Light and Nutrients on Grazer-Periphyton Interactions (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Kim, Micheline A. | 1999 | |
The Effects of Livestock Grazing on the Amphibians of British Columbia | Cragg, J. | 2007 | |
The Effects of Livestock Grazing on the Habitat Suitability of Grassland-Dependant Vertebrate Species in British Columbia: A Literature Review | McKenzie, K.L. | 2004 | |
Effects of Non-native Predators on Aquatic Ecosystems | Wind, E. | 2005 | |
Effects of Partial Cutting on Arboreal Lichens Used by Mountain Caribou (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Stevenson, Susan K. | 1999 | |
Effects of Rotenone Treatment on Courtney and Corbett Lakes (Merritt, B.C.) | Larkin, P.A. | 1976 | |
Effects of Selective Logging on Arboreal Lichens Used by Selkirk Caribou | Stevenson, Susan K. | 1979 | |
Effects of Size at Release in Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) Stocked in a Winterkill Lake | Tsumura, Kanji | 1987 | |
The Effects of Snow on Wildlife: An Annotated Bibliography (Also printed as IWIFR-1) | Shank, Christopher C. | 1982 | |
The Effects of Snow on Wildlife: An Annotated Bibliography (Also printed as IWIFR-2) | Shank, Christopher C. | 1982 | |
The Effects of Snowmobiling on Winter Range Use by Mountain Caribou | Simpson, Keith | 1987 | |
The Effects of sport fisheries of the Aluminium Company of Canada Limited development in the Nechako drainage FMR 10 | Lyons, J. C.; | 1952 | |
Effects of Stream Riparian Buffer Width on High Elevation Songbird Communities (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Haag, Devon | 1999 | |
Effects of Wolf Predation on Recruitment in Black-tailed Deer on Northeastern Vancouver Island | Hatter, I.W. | 1988 | |
Eighth Annual Game Convention: Nanaimo B.C. (May 26th to May 29th, 1954) - Report of Proceedings | Province of British Columbia, Game Department | 1954 | |
Electrically Triggered Drop Net to Capture Wild Sheep | Hirsch, John W. | 1988 | |
Elk in British Columbia | Blood, Donald A. | 2000 | |
Emerging Infectious Diseases in British Columbian Amphibians: Literature Review to Assess Risk and Develop Survey Recommendations | Govindarajulu, Purnima P. | 2007 | |
The Endangered Species List and Lynx Conservation in Idaho: Public Paranoia and Politics Over Biology (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Murray, D.L. | 1999 | |
Endangered Species Protection in Alberta: "Where's the Beef?" (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Francis, Wendy | 1999 | |
Enhancement of Summer Run Steelhead in Silverhope Creek, Progress in 1982 | Clark, B.J. | 1983 | |
The Enhancement of Summer Run Steelhead in Silverhope Creek: Progress in 1980 | Griffith, R.P. | 1981 | |
Enhancement of Summer-Run Steelhead in Silverhope Creek 1978-1987: Summary & Final Report | Griffith, R. P. | 1982 | |
Enhancement Opportunities for Anadromous Trout and Potential for Cooperative Management in the Alouette Rivers Watershed | Griffith, Robert P. | 1980 | |
Enhancement Opportunities for Resident Rainbow Trout in the Middle Shuswap River Above Shuswap Falls and Potential Impact of Chinook Salmon Re-Introduction | Griffith, R.P. | 1979 | |
Enhancing the Establishment and Growth of Arboreal Forage Lichens in Intensively Managed Forests: Problem Analysis | Stevenson, Susan K. | 1985 | |
Environmental Contamination by Pesticides in British Columbia?A Summary of Pesticide Analysis Reports | Finegan, R.P. | 1969 | |
Environmental Contamination by Pesticides: 1966?74. Part 1: Inorganic Material, Plants, Invertebrates, Fish | Friis, L.K. | 1974 | |
Environmental Indicators for Natural Diversity (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Smith, R.B. | 1999 | |
Environmental Information Resources (EIRS) Data Administrator Manual | Harcombe, G.F. | 2011 | |
Environmental Information Resources (EIRS) Data Administrator Manual | Harcombe, G.F. | 2011 | |
Environmental Management of Marine Fish Farms | Ministry of Environment | 1990 | |
Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA): An Approach for Assessing and Reporting Environmental Conditions | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 2000 | |
Epigeous, Ectomycorrhizal Sporocarps in Old-Growth Forests in the Coastal Western Hemlock Very moist Maritime (CWHvm) Zone of South Coastal British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Gamiet, S. | 1999 | |
Equipment disinfection procedures to prevent the accidental spread of aquatic invasive species. Version 1.1 June 2009 | Herborg, Matthias | 2009 | |
Errors in Ageing Hatchery Rainbow Trout from Small Lakes in Southern British Columbia | Parkinson, Eric A. | 1989 | |
The Establishment of Vegetation on Tailing Ponds in British Columbia | Keller, R. A. | 1965 | |
Estimates of Production Benefits for Salmonid Fishes from Stream Restoration Initiatives | Keeley, E.R. | 1996 | |
Estimating Population Size of Grizzly Bears Using Hair Capture, DNA Fingerprinting, and Mark-Recapture Analysis (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Mowat, G. | 1999 | |
Estimating Thermal Environments for Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) | Parker, K. L. | 1986 | |
Estimation of Angler Effort Using Index Boat Counts | Tredger, C.D. | 1992 | |
Estrus in Black-tailed Deer (IWIFR-31: Printed in the Journal of Mammalogy) | Wong, Beatrice | 1986 | |
Estuaries in British Columbia | Flynn, Samantha | 2006 | |
An Evaluation of a Diversion Screen Design and an Assessment of Fish Losses in Irrigation Diversions of Loon Inlet Creek, British Columbia | Slaney, P.A. | 1977 | |
Evaluation of a Steelhead Fry Release to the Bonaparte River in 1979 | Tredger, C.D. | 1980 | |
An Evaluation of Adaptive Management and Minimal Sampling as Techniques for Optimizing Rainbow Trout Stocking Rates | Parkinson, Eric A. | 1990 | |
Evaluation of Alternative Recovery Strategies for the Cheakamus River | Labelle, Marc | 2006 | |
An Evaluation of Fish Habitat and Fish Populations in Toboggan Creek, near Smithers, Relevant to Steelhead Enhancement Opportunities | Tredger, D. | 1979 | |
An Evaluation of Hatchery Planted Steelhead Smolts in the Coquitlam River | Lorz, H. W. | 1962 | |
Evaluation of Health Status of Rocky Mountain Sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) in Southeastern British Columbia | Schwantzie, H.M. | 1988 | |
Evaluation of In-Stream Enhancement Structures for the Production of Juvenile Steelhead Trout and Coho Salmon in the Keogh River: Progress 1977 and 1978 | Ward, B. R. | 1979 | |
Evaluation of Rainbow Trout Strains in Small Coarse Fish Lakes. Three Year Summary: 1988 to 1990 | Tsumura, Kanji | 1991 | |
An Evaluation of Special Angling Regulations for Cutthroat Trout in the Lower St. Mary River | Oliver, G.G. | 1990 | |
An Evaluation of the Catchable Trout Program in Lakes Near Vancouver - British Columbia | Parkinson, Eric A. | 1985 | |
Evaluation of the Little Chilcotin River and Elkin Creek with Reference to Chilcotin River Steelhead Enhancement | Tredger, C.D. | 1981 | |
Evaluation of Two Artificial Circulation Systems Used to Prevent Trout Winter-kill in Small Lakes | Halsey, T. G. | 1971 | |
Evaluation of Two Commercial Diets for Domestic Rainbow Trout | Lawson, Charlotte | 1996 | |
Experimental Dolly Varden Fry Plants in the Jordan River near Revelstoke (1981-1982) | Russell, J.R.L.. | 1983 | |
Experimental Evaluation of Three Fishways in Providing Passage for Small Kokanee Salmon | Tredger, Dave | 1977 | |
Experimental Harvesting of Dry-belt Douglas-fir on a Mule Deer Winter Range at Knife Creek | Armleder, H.M. | 1984 | |
Experimental Stocking of Steelhead Fry Above Barriers in a High Gradient Tributary of the Keogh River: Progress 1978 and 1979 | Slaney, P.A | 1980 | |
Experimental Testing of Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) Passage in an Aeroceanic Spiral Fishway at Meadow Creek British Columbia | Tredger, C.D. | 1982 | |
Experimental Trout Introduction and Artificial Circulation of Yellow Lake, British Columbia | Halsey, T. G. | 1971 | |
Explanatory Legend for Vegetation Maps of the Kamloops Lake Bio-physical Study Area | Lea, E.C. | 1988 | |
Extinct and Extirpated Species | Backhouse, Francis | 2000 | |
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