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Title | Primary Author | Date | View |
Macrohabit Use and Predictive Models of Fish Distribution in the Blackwater Drainage | Porter, M. | 1998 | |
Maintaining a Species Tapestry: A Plan for the Conservation of Genetic Diversity in British Columbia Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss | Taylor, Eric B. | 1996 | |
Maintaining British Columbia?s Wildlife Heritage: Provincial Wildlife Strategy to 2001 | Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks | 1994 | |
Maintaining Diverse and Dynamic Ecosystems on Southwest-facing Slopes in the Skeena Region (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Haeussler, Sybille | 1999 | |
Management Implications of Substrate Utilization During Summer by Juvenile Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdneri) in the South Alouette River | Facchin, A. | 1977 | |
Management Implications of Summer Habitat Characteristics of Juvenile Steelhead Trout (Salmo gairdneri) in the Big Qualicum River | Pearlstone, P. S. M. | 1976 | |
Management of Marbled Murrelet Nesting Habitat in Clayoquot Sound | Chatwin, Trudy | 2001 | |
Management Plan for banded cord-moss (Entosthodon fascicularis) in British Columbia | British Columbia Bryophyte Recovery Team | 2010 | |
Management Plan for Columbian carpet moss (Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum) in British Columbia | British Columbia Bryophyte Recovery Team | 2010 | |
Management Plan for Cryptic Paw (Nephroma occultum) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2011 | |
Management plan for giant helleborine (Epipactis gigantea) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2013 | |
Management Plan for Lyall?s Mariposa Lily (Calochortus lyallii) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for Northwest Waterfan (Peltigera gowardii) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for Oldgrowth Specklebelly (Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for Peacock Vinyl (Leptogium polycarpum) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR PEALE'S PEREGRINE FALCON (Falco peregrinus pealei) IN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Cooper, John M. | 2007 | |
Management Plan for Racer (Coluber constrictor) in British Columbia | Racer Management Team Working Group | 2013 | |
Management Plan for Sonora Skipper (Polites sonora) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2013 | |
Management Plan for the Coastal Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for the coastal wood fern (Dryopteris arguta) in British Columbia | Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team | 2010 | |
Management Plan for the Coeur d'Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) in British Columbia | Prepared by the Provincial Flammulated Owl Working Group | 2011 | |
Management Plan for the Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2013 | |
Management Plan for the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) in British Columbia | Mountain Goat Management Team | 2010 | |
Management Plan for the Northern Goshawk, laingi subspecies (Accipiter gentilis laingi) in British Columbia | Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations | 2013 | |
Management Plan for the Northern Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for the Northern Rubber Boa (Charina bottae) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2015 | |
Management Plan for the Nuttall's Cottontail (Sylvilagus nuttallii ) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2013 | |
Management Plan for the Painted Turtle - Intermountain-Rocky Mountain Population (Chrysemys picta pop. 2) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 2017 | |
Management Plan for the Peregrine Falcon, pealei subspecies (Falco peregrinus pealei) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2016 | |
Management Plan for the Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2013 | |
Management Plan for the Vancouver Island Beggarticks (Bidens amplissima) in British Columbia | Vancouver Island Beggarticks Working Group | 2014 | |
Management Plan for the Warty Jumping-slug (Hemphillia glandulosa) in British Columbia | Warty Jumping-slug Management Team | 2012 | |
Management Plan for the Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2014 | |
Management Plan for the Western Skink (Plestiodon skiltonianus) in British Columbia | B.C. Western Skink Working Group | 2013 | |
Management Plan for the Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas) in British Columbia | Provincial Western Toad Working Group | 2014 | |
Management Plan for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment - BC Freshwater Fisheries Program | 2013 | |
Management Plan for Threaded Vertigo (Nearctula sp.) in British Columbia | British Columbia Ministry of Environment | 2016 | |
Management Plan for tiny tassel (Crossidium seriatum) in British Columbia | B.C. Ministry of Environment | 2016 | |
Management Plan for twisted oak moss (Syntrichia laevipila) in British Columbia | British Columbia Bryophyte Recovery Team | 2010 | |
Management Plan for Wood Bison in British Columbia | Harper, William L. | 2000 | |
A Management Strategy for Mountain Caribou: the Cariboo Region Example (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Armleder, Harold M. | 1999 | |
Managing Habitat Through Guidelines: How Far Can You Go? | Fenger, M.(editor) | 1989 | |
A Manual for Growing and Using Seed from Herbaceous Plants Native to the Northern Interior of British Columbia | Burton, C.M. | 2004 | |
Manual for Technical Publications of the Fish and Wildlife Branch | Wildlife Research and Technical Services Section | 1981 | |
A Manual for the Identification by Epidermal Characteristics of Some Forage Plant Species of the Southern Interior of British Columbia | Wikeem, B.M. | 1983 | |
Marbled Murrelet | Blood, Donald A. | 1998 | |
Marbled Murrelet as Target Species for Land Management in Coastal British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Bahn, Volker | 1999 | |
Marbled Murrelet Dawn Terrestrial Survey of TFL 44, 2001 | Giesbrecht, Tanya | 2001 | |
Marbled Murrelet Habitat Assessment in the Corrigan Watershed Planning Area | Miller Retzer, Connie | 1999 | |
Marbled Murrelet Habitat Assessment in the Effingham Draft Landscape Unit | Miller Retzer, Connie | 1998 | |
Marbled Murrelet Habitat Evaluations (air photo interpretation, aerial observation) | Schroeder, Bernard K. | 2001 | |
Marbled Murrelet Inventory, Various Locations, Barkley Sound 1999 | Schroeder, Bernard K. | 1999 | |
Marbled Murrelet Management Strategy for Clayoquot Sound | Chatwin, T. | 2007 | |
Marbled Murrelet Presence/Not Detected Inventory, Barkley Sound | Schroeder, Bernard K. | 2001 | |
Marbled Murrelet Presence/Not Detected Inventory, Effingham Inlet, Barkley Sound | Schroeder, Bernard K. | 2000 | |
Marbled Murrelet Research in Desolation Sound, British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Hull, Cindy L. | 1999 | |
Marine-living Northern River Otter Health and Their Feasibility as a Sentinel Species along the coast of southern Vancouver Island | Engelstoft, C | 2005 | |
Marten Habitat Suitability Research Project - Working Plan | Lofroth, Eric C. | 1991 | |
Marten in British Columbia with Implications for Forest Management | Stordeur, L.A. | 1986 | |
Maximum Salmonid Densities in Fluvial Habitats in British Columbia | Ptolemy, Ron A. | 1992 | |
A Method for Dispensing Rotenone Emulsions | Bone, J.N. | 1970 | |
A Methodology for Grizzly Bear Habitat Assessment in British Columbia | Fuhr, Brian | 1990 | |
Methodology for Monitoring Wildlife Diversity in B.C. Forests | Chatwin, Trudy | 1992 | |
Methodology for the Evaluation of Rainbow Trout Broodstocks for Coarse Fish Lakes - Broodstock Development Project | Tsumura, Kanji | 1988 | |
Methods or Madness? Developing Population Inventory Manuals for British Columbia's Biodiversity (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Quayle, James F. | 1999 | |
Microhabitat Selection and Partitioning by an Assemblage of Fish in the Nazko River | Porter, Marc | 1999 | |
Microsatellite Analysis of North American Wolverines (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Kyle, Christopher J. | 1999 | |
Minimum Acceptable Stream Flows in British Columbia: A Review | Neuman, H.R. | 1977 | |
Mission Creek Rainbow Trout Fry Density Assessment (1980-81) | Wightman, J.C. | 1982 | |
Mitigating the Impacts of Channel Maintenance in the Lower Fraser Valley - 2003-2004 Field Trial and Literature Review | Barrett, Scott | 2006 | |
Modeling Carnivore Translocations: An Example Using Canada Lynx (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Steury, T.D. | 1999 | |
Monitoring and Control of Raccoons on Seabird Colonies in Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Harfenist, Anne | 1999 | |
Monitoring Grassland Bird Nest Cover Using Digital Photography at Two Locations in the Cariboo Grasslands of British Columbia | Haddow, C.M. | 2009 | |
Monitoring of an Aerial Herbicide Treatment at Holberg, British Columbia (Monitoring Study No. 2) | Reid, D.S. | 1977 | |
Monitoring Restoration of the Vaseux-Bighorn National Wildlife Area Following Pipeline Construction (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Atwood, Lynne B. | 1999 | |
Monitoring Riparian Leave Strips with Multi-temporal Radarsat C-Band Satellite Data (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Murtha, Peter A. | 1999 | |
Monitoring Steelhead Trout at the Keogh River as an Index of Stock Status and Smolt-to-Adult Survival: Correlations with Other Data Sources | Ward, B.R. | 1989 | |
Moose Conservation and Harvest Management in Central and Northern British Columbia (Draft for Stakeholder Discussion) | Hatter, I | 1998 | |
Moose in British Columbia: Ecology, Conservation and Management | Blood, Donald A. | 2000 | |
Moose Management Plan for British Columbia 1990-1995 | Hatter, Ian | 1990 | |
Morice Biophysical Study 93L/SW | Fuhr, B. | 1986 | |
Morice River Steelhead Trout: The 1976 and 1977 Sport Fishery and Life History Characteristics From Anglers' Catches | Whatley, M.R. | 1978 | |
A Morphological and Biochemical Comparison of Artificially and Naturally-reared Salmonids | Ludwig, Bryan | 1982 | |
A Morphological and Electrophoretic Comparison of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) Above and Below Barriers on Five Streams on Vancouver Island B.C. | Parkinson, E. | 1984 | |
The Mosquitoes of British Columbia | Belton, Peter | 1983 | |
Mount Assiniboine Management Plan | Ministry of Environment | 2006 | |
Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area Biopysical Project Report, Maps, Data bases and Management Plan | Ketcheson, Maureen V. | 1994 | |
Mountain Caribou | Kinley, Trevor | 1999 | |
Mountain Caribou in Managed Forests: Recommendations for Managers - 2nd Edition | Stevenson, Susan K. | 2001 | |
Mountain Goat Management in the Kootenays | Phelps, D. E. | 1975 | |
Mountain Goats in British Columbia: Ecology, Conservation and Management | Blood, Donald A. | 2000 | |
Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation: Coarse Woody Debris and Impacts on Furbearers | Manning, Todd | 2010 | |
Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation: Hydrological Impacts | EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. | 2008 | |
Mountain Sheep in British Columbia | Ministry of Environment | 1111 | |
Mountain Sucker | Ministry of Fisheries | 1999 | |
Mountain Whitefish | Ministry of Fisheries | 1999 | |
Movements and Habitats of Caribou in the Mountains of Southern British Columbia | Simpson, K. | 1987 | |
Mule and Black-tailed Deer in British Columbia | Blood, Donald A. | 2000 | |
Multi-Scale Studies of Populations Distribution and Habitat Associations of Marbled Murrelets in Clayoquot Sound British Columbia | Burger, Alan E., editor | 2002 | |
Multi-species Recovery Strategy for the Princeton Landscape, Including Dwarf Woolly-heads (Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus), Slender Collomia (Collomia tenella), and Stoloniferous Pussytoes (Antennaria flagellaris) in British Columbia | Southern Interior Rare Plants Recovery Implementation Group | 2008 | |
Multivariate Habitat Modeling for Mountain Caribou in the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) | Apps, C.D. | 1999 | |
Muskwa Project Working Plan | Elliott, J. P. | 1984 | |
Muskwa Wolf Management Project of Northeastern B.C. 1983-84 Annual Report | Elliott, J. P. | 1984 | |
Muskwa Wolf Management Project of Northeastern B.C. 1984-85 Annual Report | Elliott, J. P. | 1985 | |
Muskwa Wolf Management Project of Northeastern BC 1986-87 Annual Report | Elliott, J.P. | 1987 | |
Muskwa Wolf Management Project of Northeastern British Columbia 1985-86 Annual Report | Elliott, J. P. | 1986 | |
Muskwa-Kechika Wildlife Management Plan Part A: Strategic Document October 2009 | Johnstone, Pierre | 2009 | |
Muskwa-Kechika Wildlife Management Plan Part B: Technical Manual August 2009 | Johnstone, Pierre | 2009 | |
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