Welcome to the Lower Mainland Region

The Lower Mainland Region covers the southwest corner of British Columbia, and provides service to over 60% of the provincial population. The area encompasses the Greater Vancouver urban area, as well as coastal and valley rural areas that offer diverse environmental and economic opportunities.

Lower Mainland Region

The regional office combines staff from the Ministry of Environment along with Corporate Services Division. Each ministry has several divisions with different regional boundaries. In addition to the regional headquarters in Surrey, there are sub-regional offices located in Cultus Lake, North Vancouver, Powell River, Sechelt and Squamish.


Lower Mainland Regional Office:
Environmental Protection Division (EPD)
Environmental Stewardship Division (ESD)
Conservation Officer Service (COS)
Parks and Protected Areas Division (PPAD)
Water Stewardship Division (WSD)

152nd Street
Surrey B.C. V3R 0Y3
Phone: 604–582–5200
Fax: 604–930–7119