Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Scientific Fish Collection Permit Reports
Permit holders must be aware of all the terms and conditions listed under Appendix A of this permit. Any contravention or failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit is an offence under the Wildlife Act, RSBC 1996, Chap. 488 and BC Reg. 253/2000.
Multiple Waters or Extended Time Period Notification Requirements
This notification process is to be used only for scientific fish collection permits previously approved for multiple waters or extended dates. Appendix A, #12 of this permit requires notification no less than 48 hours prior to collection. The requirements for notification are met upon submission of a completed notification form. The thank you notice verifying the information submitted is considered a part of the permit and must be printed and attached to the original Scientific Fish Collection Permit.
Click the region for which your permit has been issued to access the notification form:
Scientific Fish Collection Permit Summary Report
Appendix A, #6 of this permit requires the submission of an annual Summary Report of collection activity. This report, a requirement of the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, must be made electronically. You may access the report site at the following address: