Guidelines and Best Management Practices (BMP)

Stewardship Role of Proponents

While the Ministry of Environment (MOE) takes a leading role in conserving B.C.’s natural resources, species, and habitats, all British Columbians have a role in environmental protection and resource stewardship. Stewardship of natural resources is key to maintaining and restoring the province’s natural diversity. A stewardship approach involves all British Columbians taking responsibility for the well-being of the environment by acting to restore or protect a healthy environment.

The Ministry is actively pursuing opportunities for sharing the responsibility of environmental stewardship. MOE looks to establish vital partnerships to protect the environment and the health of all British Columbians. MOE is developing partnerships with governments, First Nations, communities, academic institutions, industries, volunteer organizations, and citizens. The involvement of these partners in the shared environmental stewardship of Omineca region resources is essential because of their local knowledge, resources and expertise. The environment will benefit as a result of an increased level of responsible environmental stewardship ethics, immediate and long-term improvements to environmental health and an increased awareness of ecosystem needs among the partners.


Why BMP's?

Guidelines and Best Management Practices (BMPs) are science-based recommendations, which should allow the client to meet the required standards or achieve the desired objectives.

BMP and Guideline documents exist to help you act as a steward of the environment. The information in these documents provide advice and information to help ensure that proposed development activities are planned and carried out in a manner that considers the consequences to environmental values.


BMPs and Guideline Documents

BMPs and Guideline Documents can have a provincial and/or regional context:

  • Provincial documents apply to the entire province but may contain region specific sections.
  • Regional documents have been developed for a specific purpose for the Omineca region and may not be applicable to other regions.

These documents exist to help you act as a good steward of the environment. The information you will find in this document will help to ensure that your proposed development activities are planned and carried out in an environmentally sensitive manner. These guidelines are not legally binding, and proponents will need to ensure they comply with the legislation, regulations, and policies that apply to your activity. By understanding the standards your activities must meet, you can choose an appropriate set of best practices to help you carry out your activities to achieve the required standards.