Fish and Wildlife Publications

Fish Journal Publications

Pillipow, R., and C. Williamson. 2004. Goat River bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) biotelemetry and spawning assessments 2002-03. B.C. Journal of Ecosystems and Management 4: 1-9. Link (PDF 396KB)


Wildlife Journal Publications

Ciarniello, L. M., M.S. Boyce, D.C. Heard and D.R. Seip. 2007. Components of grizzly bear habitat selection: Density, habitats, roads, and mortality risk. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1446-1457.

Ciarniello, L. M., M.S. Boyce, D.R. Seip, and D.C. Heard. 2009. Comparison of grizzly bear Ursus arctos demographics in wilderness mountains versus a plateau with resource development.  Wildlife Biology 15:247-265.

Ciarniello, L.M., M.S. Boyce, D.R. Seip and D.C. Heard. 2005. Denning behaviour and den site selection of grizzly bears along the Parsnip River, British Columbia, Canada. Ursus 16:47-58.

Ciarniello, L. M., M.S. Boyce, D.R. Seip and D.C. Heard. 2007. Grizzly bear habitat selection is scale dependent. Ecological Applications 17:1424-1440.

Gau, R.J., R. Mulders, L.M. Ciarniello, D.C. Heard, C.B. Chetkiewicz, M. Boyce, R. Munroe, G.Stenhouse, B. Chruszcz, M.L. Gibeau, B. Milakovic, and K.L. Parker. 2004. Uncontrolled field performance of Televilt GPS-simplexTM collars on grizzly bears in western and northern Canada. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:693-701.

Gustine, D.D., K.L. Parker, R.J. Lay, M.P. Gillingham, and D.C. Heard. 2006. Calving strategies and calf survival of woodland caribou in a multi-predator ecosystem in northern British Columbia. Wildlife Monographs 165:1-32.

Gustine, D.D., K.L. Parker, R.J. Lay, M.P. Gillingham, and D.C. Heard. 2006. Interpreting resource selection between scales among individual woodland caribou in winter. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1601-1614.

Gustine, D.D., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard. 2007. Using ultrasound measurements of backfat to estimate reserves of woodland caribou in northern British Columbia, Canada. Rangifer Special Issue No. 17:249-256.

Heard, D.C. and K. Vagt. 1998. Caribou in British Columbia: A 1996 status report. Rangifer, Special Issue No 10:117-123.

Heard, D.C., L.M. Ciarniello, and D.R. Seip. 2008. Grizzly bear behavior and Global Positioning System collar fix rates. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:596-602.

Heard, D.C., A.B.D. Walker, J.B. Ayotte, G.S. Watts. 2008. Using GIS to modify a stratified random block survey design for moose. Alces 44:111-116.

Johnson, C.J., D.C. Heard, and K.L. Parker. 2002. Expectations and realities of GPS Animal Location Collars: Results of three yeas in the field. Wildlife Biology 8:153-159.

Johnson, C. J., K.L. Parker and D.C. Heard. 2001. Foraging across a variable landscape: Behavioural decisions made by woodland caribou at multiple spacial and temporal scales. Oecologia 127:590-602.

Johnson, C. J., K.L. Parker and D.C. Heard. 2000. Feeding site selection by woodland caribou in north central British Columbia. Rangifer, Special Issue No 12:1-14.

Johnson, C. J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard and M.P. Gillingham. 2002. Movement patterns of ungulates and scale-specific responses to the environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 71:225-235.

Johnson, C. J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard and M.P. Gillingham. 2002. A multi-scale behavioral approach to understanding the movements of woodland caribou. Ecological Applications. 12:1840-1860.

Johnson, C. J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard and M.P. Gillingham. 2006. Unrealistic animal movement rates as behavioural bouts: a reply. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:303-308.

Johnson, C. J., K.L. Parker, D.C. Heard and D.R. Seip. 2004. Movements, foraging habits, and habitat-use strategies of northern woodland caribou: Implications for forest practices. B.C. Journal of Ecosystems and Management 5:22-35.

Jones, E.S., M.P. Gillingham, D.R. Seip, D.C. Heard. 2007. Comparison of seasonal habitat selection between threatened woodland caribou ecotypes in central British Columbia Rangifer Special Issue No. 17:111-128.

Jones, E.S, D.C. Heard and M.P. Gillingham. 2006. Temporal variation in stable carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) isotopes of grizzly bear guardhair and underfur. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:1320-1325.

Mowat, G., and D.C. Heard. 2006. Major components of grizzly bear diets in North America. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:473-489.

Mowat, G., D.C. Heard, D.R. Seip, K.G. Poole, G. Stenhouse, D.W. Paetkau. 2004. Grizzly and black bear densities in the interior mountains of North America. Wildlife Biology 11:31-48.

Nielsen, S.E., C. Johnson, D.C. Heard and M.S. Boyce. 2004. Can models of presence- absence be used to scale abundance: a case study considering extremes in life- history strategy. Ecography 28:197-208.

Poole, K. G. and D.C. Heard. 1998. Habitat use and movements of mountain goats as determined by prototype GPS collars, Robson Valley, British Columbia. Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 11:22-35.

Poole, K.G., and D.C. Heard. 2003. Seasonal habitat use and movements of mountain goats in east-central British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 117:565-576.

Poole, K.G., D.C. Heard, and G. Mowat. 2000. Habitat use by woodland caribou near Takla Lake in central British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:1552-1561.

Poole, K.G., D.C. Heard and G.S. Watts. 2001. Mountain goat inventory in he Robson Valley, British Columbia. Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 12:114-124.

Seip, D.R. C.J. Johnson, and G.S. Watts. 2007. Displacement of mountain caribou from winter habitats by snowmobiles. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(5):1539-1544.

Terry, E.L., B.N McLellan, and G.S. Watts. 2000 Winter habitat ecology of mountain caribou in relation to forest management. Journal of Applied Ecology 37:589-602.

Terry, E.L., B.N. McLellan, G.S. Watts, and J. Flaa. 1996. Early winter habitat use by mountain caribou in the North caribou and Columbia Mountains, British Columbia. Rangifer Special issue No. 9:133-140.

Wittmer, H.U., B.N. McLellan, D.R. Seip, J.A. Young, T.A. Kinley, G.S. Watts, and D. Hamilton. 2005 Population dynamics of the endangered mountain ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83:407-418.