Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I get information on removing vegetation near a stream or lake, even if it's on my own property?

Ans: go to Riparian Areas Regulations (RAR),
Also see Department of Fisheries and Oceans guidelines for working in and around water

2. Where can I get information about doing work in a stream?

Ans: go to Work Window information on the Thompson region website

3. Where can I get information about removing aquatic weeds?

Ans: go to Department of Fisheries and Oceans website on controlling aquatic plants

4. Where can I get information about applying for a water license?

Ans: go to FrontCounter BC

5. Where can I find information about whether there is fish in a particular stream?

Ans: go to Fish Wizard website

6. Where can I get information about Mt. Pine beetle?

Ans: go to Regional Mt. Pine Beetle webpage
Also go to city of Kamloops website

7. Where can I find information about off-road vehicles and snow mobiles closures?

Ans: go to Parks site
Also go to Hunting Regulations(PDF 36MB)

8. Where can I find information about gathering firewood?

Ans: go to Ministry of Forests "Firewood or Wildlife tree" brochure (PDF 134 KB)

9. Where can I find information about Ecological Restoration?

Ans: go to Ecological Restoration page

10. Where can I get information about conserving water in arden?

Ans: Go to the Xeriscape Garden page of city of Kamloops

11. Where can I get information on removing hazardous trees?

Ans. Go to Best Management Practices for Hazard Tree and Non-hazard Tree Limbing, Topping Removal (PDF 52.8KB)

For further FAQ's regarding Environmental Stewardship please go to provincial site