1. Where can I get information on removing vegetation near
a stream or lake, even if it's on my own property?
go to Riparian Areas Regulations (RAR),
Also see Department of Fisheries and Oceans guidelines for working
in and around water
2. Where can I get information about doing work in a stream?
Ans: go to Work Window information
on the Thompson region website
3. Where can I get information about removing aquatic weeds?
go to Department of Fisheries and Oceans website on controlling
aquatic plants
4. Where can I get information about applying for a water license?
Ans: go to FrontCounter BC
5. Where can I find information about whether there is fish
in a particular stream?
Ans: go to Fish Wizard website
6. Where can I get information about Mt. Pine beetle?
Ans: go to Regional Mt. Pine Beetle webpage
Also go to city of Kamloops website
7. Where can I find information about off-road vehicles
and snow mobiles closures?
Ans: go to Parks site
go to Hunting Regulations(PDF 36MB)
8. Where can I find information about gathering firewood?
Ans: go to Ministry of Forests "Firewood or Wildlife tree" brochure (PDF 134 KB)
9. Where can I find information about Ecological Restoration?
Ans: go to Ecological Restoration page
10. Where can I get information about conserving water in arden?
Ans: Go to the Xeriscape Garden page of city of Kamloops
11. Where can I get information on removing hazardous trees?
Ans. Go to Best
Management Practices for Hazard Tree and Non-hazard Tree
Limbing, Topping Removal (PDF 52.8KB)
For further FAQ's regarding Environmental Stewardship please
go to provincial site