Mountain Pine Beetle
Stream Flow/Aquatic Habitat/Stream Temperature Monitoring
Stream flow and temperature data is gathered to ensure that there is adequate water and temperature levels to maintain aquatic ecosystems.
Flow = 4.88 m3/s (70% Mean Annual Discharge)
Flow = 0.46 m3/s (7% Mean Annual Discharge)
Coldwater River, comparison of flow Jun. 8/05 to Sept. 7/05
Ungulate Winter Range
Species at Risk
FRPA (section 7) Supporting information or Notices for wildlife habitat for species at risk:
Identified Wildlife Management Strategy (IWMS)
FRPA – Forest and Range Evaluation Program (FREP)
Fish Sensitive Watersheds
Fish Sensitive Watersheds – currently none are established but expect there will be as this process evolves.
Fisheries Sensitive Watersheds (FSW)
Riparian/Stream Channel – The goal of monitoring the condition of stream channels and their adjacent riparian management areas is to determine whether FRPA standards and practices governed by regulation are achieving the desired result of protecting fish values by maintaining
channel and riparian functions.
Stand Level Biodiversity – The goal of stand level biodiversity monitoring is to determine if the present policy of retaining
wildlife tree patches and riparian reserves is achieving the desired levels and types of structures to maintain species diversity.
Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) – Major project reviews
Habitat assessments and monitoring
Stream Crossing – assessing ability of closed bottom structures to allow for safe passage of all fish life stages.
Ungulate Winter Range – assessing whether sufficient wildlife habitat was conserved in terms of amount of area,
distribution of areas and attributes of those areas, for the winter survival of specified ungulate species
Fish Screens (on water intakes ) –
monitoring water intake screens on important rivers to ensure they meet DFO guidelines.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Freshwater Intake
End-of-Pipe Fish Screen Guideline (PDF 3 MB)
Lakeshore Development –
monitoring riparian habitat and shoreline substrates and aquatic vegetation associated with lakeshore development.
Range condition –
assessing stubble heights of grass species after grazing, within key areas, as outlined in Range Use Plans.
Instream Flows – monitoring instream flows to determine flow requirements for sustaining healthy fish populations.
Stream Temperatures – monitoring stream temperatures to collect baseline stream temperature data to help with identifying
fish sensitive watersheds.
Sharp–tail grouse nesting cover –assessing range condition (as grazing practices have been implicated in the
degradation of nesting and winter cover) within nesting areas for Sharp-tailed grouse.